Introverted Leaders & The Power of Quiet: Unmasking Myths and Harnessing Hidden Strengths [ep 4]

Quietly Influential: Leadership Lessons for Introverts by Guin White

Episode notes

Welcome to another episode of Quietly Influential. In this episode, we delve into the unique challenges and strengths of introverted leaders.*We discuss the science behind introversion and the concept of highly sensitive people. *I explore a study by Adam Grant at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania that reveals how introverted leaders often deliver better outcomes when leading proactive teams. *I share strategies for introverted leaders to take care of their energy, set boundaries, and schedule regular quiet time. *We emphasize the importance of authenticity in leadership and adapting your leadership style to the needs of your team.This episode is a call to all introverted leaders to embrace their unique style of leadership and to challenge the extroverted ideal.Next Steps:Interested in diving deeper into your unique challenges  ... 

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introvertsintroverted leadersleadershipQuiet Leaderscommunicationvisibility