S6 E28: The Science of Love

Quantum Living by Anna Anderson

Episode notes

FULL SHOW NOTES AND GUEST INFO https://quantumlivingpodcast.com

If you have a heart, you will love this episode.

Engaging, educational, inspirational and fun. Bridging science and spirituality in a delightful exploration of the true nature of the human heart in all its dimensions.

Make yourself comfy, grab a nice cuppa of your favourite drink, and have a pen and paper handy.

This uncommon conversation with my special guest Dr Rollin McCraty, Director of Research at the HeartMath Institute, is a deep dive into the Science of Love with these main topics

  • A fascinating history of research into the heart-brain relationship
  • The true nature of the human hea ... 
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quantum living podcastloveheartmath instituteDr Rollin McCratyheart brain coherence