P$yFi | Psychological Finance

by The Redstone Rocket

Learn how your brain and your money can work together to help you achieve financial success and stability.

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 4

  • Season 4, Episode 4: Your Money, Your Defense: Outsmarting Financial Threats

    Season 4, Episode 4: Your Money, Your Defense: Outsmarting Financial Threats

    You may not consider your finances a likely vulnerability when pondering everyday threats. Whether perpetuated intentionally or unintentionally, insider threats can manifest in the form of personal financial mismanagement or significant emotional events, such as death, divorce, job loss, or illness. Outsider threats also compromise your financial security, such as predatory lenders, identity thieves, scammers, and even family members! To mitigate these risks, Olivia provides you with the safeguards necessary to remove or counter the impact of potential financial threats, equipping you with the knowledge and resources necessary to create a healthier relationship with money. Register for the 3rd HYBRID Financial Symposium! Use the link below. https://forms.osi.apps.mil/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=D9fm-kuVEUiStgUw1vhMQxiSj6kdb7VFuypvxD6aMJlUNUpGQ09IVTg1NzVVQ1dIR1BYT1NDNTFSVC4u If you found this information helpful, don’t forget to rate and review wherever you listen to the pod.

  • Season 4, Episode 3: Financial Literacy Training: Meeting Financial Developmental Milestones

    Season 4, Episode 3: Financial Literacy Training: Meeting Financial Developmental Milestones

    Financial Literacy Training: Meeting Financial Developmental Milestones Olivia and the Army Headquarters Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9’s Financial Education Program Manager, Robyn Mroszczyk, discuss what’s in it for leaders to promote financial literacy and address financial developmental milestones. We take our children in for well-child checkups to ensure physical developmental milestones are met. But what professional will see you or your loved ones to ensure financial milestones are met? Who’s teaching us how to develop our financial muscle to move towards financial independence? (Although the DoD has military-specific milestones, Olivia has outlined Civilian-equivalent milestones below to consider as you or your loved ones are financially developing.) Olivia can be reached at 256-876-6299. Vantage Tracker for Leadership: https://www.financialfrontline.org/soldier/leadership/ Financial Literacy Training Army: https://olms.armyfamilywebportal.com/ Air Force: https://myvector.us.af.mil/myvector/PublicHome/NoticeAndConsent Navy: https://learning.nel.navy.mil/ELIAASv2p/ MILITARY Financial Milestones Future Service Member Training Initial Entry Arrival at First Duty Station TSP Vesting Promotion Permanent Change of Station Marriage Birth and Adoption Leadership Life Challenges Deployment Continuation Pay Transition CIVILIAN Financial Milestones Future Consumer Training Preparing for First Job First Paycheck Investing Promotion Moving Marriage Birth and Adoption Developing Others Significant Emotional Events (illness, divorce, death) Civilian Deployment Bonuses and Contracts Career Change Helpful Financial Sites https://finred.usalearning.gov/ https://www.financialfrontline.org/ https://www.milspousemoneymission.org/ https://www.finra.org/ https://www.consumerfinance.gov/

  • Season 4, Episode 2: Financial Skill-Building: Interpersonal Effectiveness

    Season 4, Episode 2: Financial Skill-Building: Interpersonal Effectiveness

    Olivia and special guest Gretchen Bentler (LPC/AFC®) illuminate how Dialectical Behavior Therapy techniques can assist you in being more mindful in your spending and financial practice. Now that you’ve learned and practiced the first three modules of DBT that required “internal” practice (go back and listen), you are now ready to apply this practice “externally” with other people. Olivia and Gretchen walk you through assertiveness skills to help you set and maintain financial boundaries. If you are a Redstone Arsenal employee, please call Olivia at 256-876-6299. If you are a Tobyhanna Army Depot or Picatinny Arsenal employee, please call Gretchen at 570-615-6682. For more information on Army Financial Literacy Training, visit HTTPS://www.financialfrontline.org/soldiers/

  • Seasone 4, Episode 1: Financial Skill-Building: Emotion Regulation

    Seasone 4, Episode 1: Financial Skill-Building: Emotion Regulation

    Olivia and special guest Gretchen Bentler (LPC/AFC®) illuminate how Dialectical Behavior Therapy techniques can assist you in being more mindful in your spending and financial practice. Be sure to listen to episodes 17 and 18 in Season 3 prior, as each skill builds on the next. Emotion dysregulation can lead to overspending and other financial addictive behaviors. Regulating emotions not only curbs spending urges but also assists in decluttering the mind. Reducing painful emotions enables you to access your wise mind for optimal financial decision-making. If you are a Redstone Arsenal employee, please call Olivia at 256-876-6299. If you are a Tobyhanna Army Depot or Picatinny Arsenal employee, please call Gretchen at 570-615-6682. For more information on Army Financial Literacy Training, visit https://www.financialfrontline.org/soldiers/

  • Season 3

  • Episode 18: Financial Skill-Building: Distress Tolerance

    Episode 18: Financial Skill-Building: Distress Tolerance

    Olivia and special guest Gretchen Bentler (LPC/AFC®) illuminate how Dialectical Behavior Therapy techniques can assist you in tolerating financial distress and surviving financial crises. If you are a Redstone Arsenal employee, please call Olivia at 256-876-6299. If you are a Tobyhanna Army Depot or Picatinny Arsenal employee, please call Gretchen at 570-615-6682. For more information on Army Financial Literacy Training, visit https://www.financialfrontline.org/soldiers/