Simulations and the Singularity: An Interview with David Jay Brown

The Prop Anon Podcast by Gabriel Kennedy

Episode notes

Prop Anon speaks with David Jay Brown, the American author and psychedelic philosopher, about his two newest books Psychedelics and the Coming Singularity and The Illustrated Field Guide of DMT Entities.

David Jay Brown has spent a career analyzing the development of consciousness through his many books with titles like Brainchild, Mavericks of the Mind, Voices from the Edge, Virus: The Alien Stain, Mavericks of Medicine, Dreaming Wide Awake, and Women of Visionary Art.

His two newest works call into the question are preparedness of the possible on-coming Singularity, that point of no return, where, because of Artificial Intelligence, our physical environment will be forever changed. Brown also finds the work that scientists have been doing with DMT an extremely important breakthrough on our collect ... 

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