Dive in with (e)me

by Fondation EME

The Fondation EME creates its new podcast to raise awareness on various subjects linking music with social issues (people with specific needs, people isolated from society...). In each episode, a new guest will be invited to discuss with Sarah Bergdoll topics relevant to their area of expertise. Dive in with (e)me... a podcast by Fondation EME.

Music and mix by Taipan.

Podcast is made possible by the André Losch  ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Harmony Beyond Limits with Pedro Gonzalez

    Harmony Beyond Limits with Pedro Gonzalez

    Harmony Beyond Limits, In the shoes of a Fondation EME musician In this podcast, we welcome Pedro Gonzalez, who is known as a versatile drummer-percussionist, who accompanies various artists in different styles of music live or in the studio. He is also one of the artists who collaborate on various concerts and projects of the Fondation EME. “Music becomes just a means to an end, so music isn’t always the end goal but it becomes a vehicle for something else…! - Pedro Gonzalez Music can transcend its role as an art form to become a multifaceted tool for achieving various ends. During our discussion with Pedro Gonzalez, we will explore various aspects related to artists and music: What a musician needs to bring to the table to be active in social project to lead or to join on social projects? Have does it changes you as an artist’s playing in different settings than a concert setting? How social project shapes you as a professional musician? Difference of the settings from concert and projects. Why is it important to be able to adapt to certain situations? Pedro's Gonzalez musical recommendations: Song 1: Cissy Strut – The Meters Song 2: stuck in the middle with you – Stealers Wheel Recommend yourself: “The Storyteller” the autobiograoh by American rock musician Dave Grohl Music and mix by Taipan. Podcast supported by André Losch Foundation.

  • Popera - An der Haut vun engem Operlibrettist mam Antoine Pohu

    Popera - An der Haut vun engem Operlibrettist mam Antoine Pohu

    An der Haut vun engem Operlibrettist An dësem Podcast wäerte mir den Insight vun engem Librettist mat Antoine Pohu entdecken, deen mat der Fondation EME um Projet pOpera zesummeschafft. Dëse Projet bréngt Flüchtlingen zu Lëtzebuerg zesummen fir en Pop Oper vu A bis Z ze realiséieren! Mir schwätzen an dësem Podcast iwwer d'Organisatioun an de Kontakt mat de Participanten, iwwer d'Erausfuerderungen a Schwieregkeeten, déi beim Schreiwen vun den Geschichten, déi vun hinnen erzielt ginn, optrieden, Hie wäert seng Erfarung mam Projet, dat Positiivt, wat hien doraus gezunn huet, de Schreifprozess an d'Relatioune mat de Participanten uschwätzen. Seng musikalesch Empfehlungen? Komeda vun Raina Haini Back to the radio vun Porridge radio Seng literaresch Empfehlungen? La loi de la mer vum Davide Ena Une dernière fois la Méditerranée vum Jean Portante

  • Wie Gesang verbindet - Ein Einblick in die Welt der musikalischen Leitung

    Wie Gesang verbindet - Ein Einblick in die Welt der musikalischen Leitung

    Bei dieser Folge ‚Dive in with (e)me‘ haben wir die Freude, Theresia Birngruber zu begrüßen! Als musikalische Leiterin der 'All Nations Church of Luxembourg' und Gesangscoach in der lokalen Musikszene bringt sie unglaubliche Energie mit. Seit einigen Jahren arbeitet Theresia mit der Fondation EME zusammen und leitet mit Leidenschaft den All Together Chor. Während unserer Diskussion mit Theresia Birngruber werden wir verschiedene Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit Künstler*innen und Musik erkunden: Wie sieht die Arbeit mit nicht-professionnellen Sänger*innen aus? Was kann Gesang bewirken? Wie tretest du an einen Chor heran? Was macht die Arbeit mit nicht-professionnellen so besonders ? Wie erlebst du dieses Projekt? Was macht das Projekt aus? Wie kann deiner Meinung nach Musik Menschen zusammen führen? Musikalische Empfehlungen von Theresia Birngruber: Lied1 : „Total Praise“ von Richard Smallwood Lied 2: „You keep hope alive“ von John Reddick Empfehlung von Theresia Birngruber : Die Dokumentation „Der freie Ton“ (Magret Honig) Margreet Honig – Der freie Ton (margreethonig-film.ch) Musik und Mischung von Taipan. Podcast unterstützt von der André Losch Fondation.

  • HOMELANDS Project with Sergio Roberto Gratteri

    HOMELANDS Project with Sergio Roberto Gratteri

    HOMELANDS Project, PLACES OF BELONGING is a community co-creation initiative for and by newcomer artists, spearheaded by the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation and its partners. In this podcast episode, we are delighted to welcome Sergio Roberto Gratteri, Founder and Artistic Coordinator of Das Haus, for a second time to delve into the "Homelands" Project. "We've built a local bridge between our communities and newcomer/refugee artists... We aim to provide them with a space in society where they can embrace their true selves and pursue what brings them the most joy, which is their artistry, thereby fostering their sense of self-worth," remarked Sergio Roberto Gratteri. Throughout our conversation with Sergio Roberto Gratteri, we will explore various facets of the project: What is the essence of the project? The project's objectives The transformative power of music Utilizing music as a tool for change The project's development process Strategies for combating prejudice Besides artistic prowess, what additional skills are required for artists and newcomers to participate in the project? How does one connect with and discover these artists? Do you collaborate with organizations assisting newcomers? How are the communities selected for collaboration, apart from the artists themselves? Sergio Roberto Gratteri's musical recommendations: "This Woman's Work" by Kate Bush "Aci, Galatea e Polifemo, Cantata: Aria Verso Gia L'Alma Col Sangue" by George Frideric Handel Ethos - Netflix documentary series Music and mixing by Taipan. This podcast is supported by the André Losch Foundation.

  • Sounds for the Soul with Sergio Roberto Gratteri

    Sounds for the Soul with Sergio Roberto Gratteri

    In this podcast, we welcome Sergio Roberto Gratteri, Founder and artistic coordinator of Das Haus.💙 As human beings with diverse feelings and experiences, we encounter both good phases and more challenging moments in life. We now know that music can have multiple positive effects on our bodies, health, and soul. "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind," as Plato once articulated. Music has the ability to touch our deepest emotions, connect us to our humanity, transport us, and inspire us. During our discussion with Sergio Roberto Gratteri, we will explore various aspects related to music: - The project "Sounds for the Soul" - The approaches used by professional artists - The benefits of music for people going through difficult times His musical recommendations: - Planctus Caravaggio - Aci, Galatea e Polifemo, Cantata: Aria: Verso già l'alma col sangue (Aci) Music and mix by Taipan. Podcast supported by André Losch Foundation.