Parsha Pick-Me-Up

by Yitzchak Sprung

Take a few minutes to study the parsha with Rabbi Sprung on Thursdays from Bereshit to V'Zot Habracha. Find the Parsha Pick-Me-Up on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Rebroadcast: Pinchas- Zealotry and the Jewish Interest

    Rebroadcast: Pinchas- Zealotry and the Jewish Interest

    This episode carries different meaning this year. As I listened to it, I was surprised how different elements in it now became resonant. Listen to the Parsha Pick-Me-Up to learn about zealotry, Pincha's moment, and the Jewish interest.

  • Balak: Last Wishes

    Balak: Last Wishes

    "Let my death be the death of the righteous! Let my end be like his!" What is it that Bilaam asks for? He seeks the profound, things that we all seek. Take three minutes to listen to the Parsha Pick-Me-Up to learn more.

  • Chukat: The Few and the Many

    Chukat: The Few and the Many

    Usually, just a moment or two of reflection can help us understand why the Sages comment on a phrase or verse. But some comments are stumpers. This week, the Sages tell us that when Moshe and Aharon gather the people together, it is an example of the "few taking hold of the many," as though this is something I would not have figured out myself. But there is something rather surprising and beautiful here, if we take a few steps backwards to understand the meaning of this seemingly innocuous comment. Take a few minutes to listen to the Parsha Pick-Me-Up to find something both practical and wonderful.

  • Korach: Credit Where Credit is Due

    Korach: Credit Where Credit is Due

    Does Korach have the right priorities? Generally speaking, when we study the story of Korach and his group, we highlight his terrible moral and political errors. However, when we study Rashi, we find a positive lesson regarding Korach’s priorities.

  • Shelach: Writing on the Wall

    Shelach: Writing on the Wall

    The Spies saw what happened to Miriam. Yet, they seemed to miss something. Is it possible that we are missing something as well?