Parsha Pick-Me-Up

by Yitzchak Sprung

Take a few minutes to study the parsha with Rabbi Sprung on Thursdays from Bereshit to V'Zot Habracha. Find the Parsha Pick-Me-Up on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • Every Thread Counts: The Power of Presence in Building Community

    Every Thread Counts: The Power of Presence in Building Community

    In this week’s Parsha Pick-Me-Up, we dive into a powerful question: Did everyone donate to the Tabernacle? The answer might surprise you – and it holds a message we all need to hear. It’s not just about the donations; it’s about presence, purpose, and the reminder that we all matter in building a stronger community. Don’t miss out on this insightful episode – because we need you. Tune in now and find out why!

  • Ki Tisa: "Why Do I Need You?'

    Ki Tisa: "Why Do I Need You?'

    God asks Moses, "Why do I need you?" An intimidating question. Why, indeed, are we important? What are we good for? Looking in this week's Parsha, the Sages tell us how to answer.

  • Tezaveh: How Consistenty Becomes Always

    Tezaveh: How Consistenty Becomes Always

    What is the power of the consistent and the always in our relationships and lives? What do they mean for our Judaism? The Menorah is to be kindled, "always." And that carries an impact for how we see ourselves and the things we do.

  • Terumah


    The High Priests beautified the Temple just as we beautify our synagogues whenever we are able. But there is one more thing to beautify that we may be forgetting.

  • Mishpatim: Torah to Lift Us

    Mishpatim: Torah to Lift Us

    Torah speaks to our character, our behaviors, our knowledge, to the things that lift us up and make us up. It comes to harmonize society and make our lives and minds pure and good. It is anything but impersonal, anything but abstract, anything but distant.