Odisha Podcast

by Odisha Podcast

Welcome to the Odisha podcast, your destination for uncut, unfiltered conversations with inspiring personalities. Join us as we uncover their journeys, delve into their work, and explore the legacies they're building.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Nilakhi Patra On Odisha Podcast With Rahul Ray EP01

    Nilakhi Patra On Odisha Podcast With Rahul Ray EP01

    Welcome to the Odisha podcast, your destination for uncut, unfiltered conversations with inspiring personalities. Join us as we uncover their journeys, delve into their work, and explore the legacies they're building. #nilakhipatra #podcast #Odishapodcast #dasama Host & Founder - Rahul Ray Publicity Design - Nandan Goswami Creator & Editor - Biswaranjan Subudhi Camera Support - Kanhu Digital Marketing - Saubhagya Ranjan Rout