Holly Tiarne Baxter - Effective Training Volumes, Benefits Of Slow Contest Prep And More!

Nutrition & Life by Lisa Franz

Episode notes

Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Nutrition and Life Podcast! Today, we're thrilled to have Holly Tiarne Baxter, a renowned dietitian, bikini competitor, and coach with over 13 years of experience, join us.

In this episode, Holly Baxter emphasizes the value of broadening the reasons for training to include performance accomplishments and empowerment, and sheds light on her meticulous 24-week slow prep process for competitions, balancing personal challenges and professional commitments.

Join us as we explore Holly's wealth of knowledge on topics such as effective training volumes, flexible dieting, weight fluctuations, and the psychological aspects of body image and self-worth. We also discuss her company's recent research on muscle growth, Holly's experience with misdiagnoses, and her dedication to creating low-FODMAP re ... 

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