An Attitude of Gratitude

Nourish Your Biblical Roots with Yael Eckstein by Charisma Podcast Network

Episode notes

The Bible isn’t just stories of epic happenings and holy miracles. It’s not all Noah filling the ark or David defeating Goliath, mighty armies falling at the hands of God’s people or great heroes rising from humble beginnings.

God’s Word is full of meaning—even in the places we might not expect. And this week’s podcast is one of those places.

Host Yael Eckstein takes a look at a passage in Scripture (Leviticus 2:4-7) that gives us a biblical history lesson—about the sacrifices and offerings that were brought to the Tabernacle, and then to the Temple. And, as Yael explains, even though we no longer bring the sacrifices described in the Bible, these verses still contain eternal messages relevant to our lives today—teaching us all to be grateful.

Yael talks about how meeting the needy who The Fellowship helps restore her own perspe ... 

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Yael EcksteinIFCJJudaismChristianityBible