Ep. 28: How Can The Skill Of Formulating Empower Us All? | Talking With Lorraine Dallmeier - The CEO Of The World-Leading Online Formulation School Formula Botanica

Natural Beauty Podcast by European Natural Beauty Awards

Episode notes

Join this episode of the Nordic Natural Beauty Podcast, where the host Satu Mäkinen talks with Lorraine Dallmeier - the CEO of the world-leading online formulation school, Formula Botanica.

In today's episode, we dive into the world of organic and botanical formulating. Lorraine shares how learning to formulate can empower us all to take the matters of skincare into our own hands, and how through this we can finally envision a truly sustainable cosmetics industry.

You can follow Formula Botanica on social media, such as Instagram, and learn more about formulating and Formula Botanica's courses on the school's website at formulabotanica.com.

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