Ep. 53: Innosenta | Producing Purely Natural Skincare

Natural Beauty Podcast by European Natural Beauty Awards

Episode notes

Welcome to a new episode of the Natural Beauty Podcast, where the host Satu Mäkinen talks with Viktorija Radzevica – the founder of the award-nominated Latvian cosmetics brand Innosenta.

In the episode, Viktorija shares how the brand Innosenta got started as well as deeper insights about the brand's award-nominated products – Eye Cream and Face Balm.

You can follow Innosenta on social media, such as Instagram, and learn more about the brand's products on their website at innosenta.com/en.

Natural Beauty Podcast is powered by the Nordic & European Natural Beauty Awards. By following the Natural Beauty Podcast, you will stay updated with the highlights from both awards.

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