
by Samantha-Jo Vaughn

Naturalies. My name is Samantha-Jo, I am the host for this amazing podcast that I am hoping save souls. My reasoning for starting this podcast came about after I gave my life to Christ on July 11, 2021. I started finding myself constantly want to talk about my struggles (HOT: humble, open & transparent), the things that have given me strength, the things God has done for me & most importantly the things I know that G ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 4

  • You Have What it Takes

    You Have What it Takes

    You have what it takes and you can't allow yourself to believe that you don't. The enemy wants you to believe that you can't achieve greatness even when you are going through some things but you can. Sometimes God will show you who you are in the midst of adversity. ALLOW YOURSELF TO PUSH PAST YOUR OWN LIMITATIONS SO GOD CAN SHOW YOU WHO YOU ARE. Collaboration Information: @Momcozy

  • Do You Trust God?

    Do You Trust God?

    Do you trust God enough to give him back the thing he has given to you in faith that he will give it back to you when you need it? Often times we think that because it came from God he won't ask for it back. See sometimes God will ask for it back to see if you trust him like you say you do. Sometimes he will ask for it back because you are not stewarding well over it. & another reason he may ask for it back is because he has plans to give you that thing back but in another way. God promised Abraham and Sarah a baby, he fulfilled the promise, turned around and asked Abraham for it back. God tested Abrahams faith and God will test ours the very same way. We have to sit and ask ourselves if there is any area in our life that we might hesitate to give back to God if he asked for it back. When God asks for something back he never equals it out when it is returned, he adds tax. You always get more. What area do you need to learn to trust God more at just so if he ever asked for it back you could be bold like Abraham and give it back with no hesitation simply because you know he has the power to give it back to you even if its another way?

  • Don't Let The Enemy Steal Your Joy

    Don't Let The Enemy Steal Your Joy

    Originally this started off as a marriage podcast but Holy Spirit had other plans. We got this crazy on the spot revelation where God did what I call a two for one special where he uses two different situations for one purpose. The purpose of this on the spot revelation was God reminding us not to let the devil steal our joy. Often times we get so wrapped up in God doing things the way we want, when we want, and when it doesn't happen that way we begin complaining but failing to realize and show gratitude that although God didn't do it the way we wanted him to, he still did it. The enemy will steal your joy and it will ultimately result in you being ungrateful for what God didn't do when you should be thanking him for all he did do. Don't let the enemy steal your joy in this season!!

  • Your Marriage is Your Assignment

    Your Marriage is Your Assignment

    I have learned so much through my short time of being married. I have realized how marriage is truly a continuous sacrifice but a sacrifice you don't mind making even when it is hard because it feeds not only you but your spirit. Culture has tainted marriage and just because everyone is married doesn't mean its a Godly marriage. Culture has convinced you that marriage is no longer the goal because good marriages no longer exist. That is false. Kingdom marriages focus on the marital principles established by God in his word, we are committed to this not because it is just something to do this is our assignment. Who you partner with MATTERS because certain people will keep you from your calling. Marriage is work & it's not easy but when you set your eyes on Jesus & you let him be the center of your marriage, all the work is worth it. How are you stewarding over your marriage in this season? Are you doing what you want or are you doing what God wants?

  • Rejection & Disappointment

    Rejection & Disappointment

    Do you desire to live in authenticity knowing that even with struggles God desires to use you?  I think often times we assume that when ppl come to Christ they automatically change overnight & thats not the case. The only change made that quick is your heart. You have now allowed your yes to open your heart to change which will take place throughout the process in which will set you free at some point in time. I encourage you to come to Christ full of struggles and with hidden skeletons in your closet expecting God to blow your mind. YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!