My Movie Story

by Brian McAleer

"My Movie Story" is the podcast for movie lovers. Hosted by Brian McAleer, the show features everyday people sharing their personal stories behind three special movies; their all-time favourite, the film that changed their perspective on life or the world, and the movie they think Everyone MUST see in their lifetime.

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • S2.E35 - Don Gleason on "Les Miserables, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and A Few Good Men."


    S2.E35 - Don Gleason on "Les Miserables, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and A Few Good Men."


    Say hello to our next guest, Don Gleason. Don is a Leadership Consultant and President of Achieve New Heights. He’s all about helping people find the career that energizes them and a life that fulfils them. After 42 years in military and corporate leadership positions, Don helps others find their passion in life, as many know the destination but not the path. Don’s three films share a common theme, and tend to focus on characters with internal struggles, who choose to do the right thing. From a story about a man on the run who puts others before his own freedom, to a man who had it all, then helped those less fortunate to have more, and finally, a man who has to wrestle with his own fear, if he wants justice to win, and overcome his greatest challenge. Films featured include, “Les Miserables,” “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” and “A Few Good Men.”

  • S2.E34 – Katie Koelliker on “The Fugitive, Once I was a Beehive and Life is Beautiful.”

    S2.E34 – Katie Koelliker on “The Fugitive, Once I was a Beehive and Life is Beautiful.”

    Please welcome our next guest to the podcast, Katie Koelliker. A native of Utah, Katie is a supermom of 5, and hosts her own soccer themed podcast, “Kick it with Katie”, which is all about interviewing people who live the soccer life, on the field or off. Check it out via the links below. Katie also loves talking movies, especially the type that keep you entertained from start to finish. She shares her connections to three vastly different films; one is a classic action film with mystery and suspense, a film that touches your heart and which you’ll never forget, and a little film made in her home state, which Katie was also on the crew for. Films featured include, “The Fugitive”, “Once I was a Beehive” and “Life is Beautiful.”

  • S2.E33 - Nisha Harichandran on "Bridget Jones's Diary, Kung Fu Panda and About Time."

    S2.E33 - Nisha Harichandran on "Bridget Jones's Diary, Kung Fu Panda and About Time."

    Welcome our next guest to My Movie Story, Nisha Harichandran. Nisha is a JOY Coach and a business story teller. Formerly from the world of law, Nisha now helps others to feel comfortable with themselves as they explore their growth. Nisha speaks about movies in a very deep, insightful way, sharing wisdom, advice and leadership as themes in the films she discusses. From a film about a person just trying to find their place in the world without trying to be perfect, the story of a simple character chosen to do something great with their lives, and a film that teaches us the importance of valuing time, and seizing every moment we can. Featured films include "Bridget Jones's Diary", "Kung Fu Panda" and "About Time."

  • S2.E32 - PT Russell on "Predator, A Nightmare on Elm Street and E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial."

    S2.E32 - PT Russell on "Predator, A Nightmare on Elm Street and E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial."

    Say Hi to our next guest, PT Russell; an artist and writer. Originally from the Bahamas, she now lives in Ontario, Canada. Through her creativity, she uses her art to externalise imagery and anecdotes from within. As a writer, she writes fiction and non-fiction pieces. PT is also host of the Journaling with PT Podcast. A self-confessed life-long cinephile, PT can talk movies for hours. She brings great insights, facts and unique perspectives on her three films; a ground-breaking action film that bends genres and blows you away, a scary movie PT could only watch during the day because it was too scary for nights (especially right before bed), and a film she fell in love with as a child, that worked it’s magic on her and worked its way into her heart. Films featured include; "Predator", "A Nightmare on Elm Street", and "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial."

  • S2.E31 - Rob Mabry on "Raiders of the Lost Ark, Blazing Saddles and Raising Arizona."

    S2.E31 - Rob Mabry on "Raiders of the Lost Ark, Blazing Saddles and Raising Arizona."

    Welcome our next guest, Rob Mabry to My Movie Story. Rob is an accomplished filmmaker from Austin, Texas. He recently premiered his feature film, the horror-comedy “The Legend of El Chupacabra”, and you’ll find out all about it in this episode. Being a movie fan and movie maker goes back a long way for Rob, and each film he’s seen has inspired the writer and director he became. In this episode, he shares his stories behind three films; a classic adventure yarn that inspired him to go treasure hunting as a kid, a classic comedy that inspired a generation of filmmakers and still makes us laugh to this day, and finally, an early entry in a collection of unique and original films by a filmmaking team who can always surprise you. Films featured include; “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, “Blazing Saddles” and “Raising Arizona.”