Episode notes

In the last episode of the Moore College podcast on Genesis chapter 3, Mark Thompson outlined the Bible’s diagnosis of the very human problem of sin.

In Genesis chapter 4, the deep consequences of humanity’s sin are in full view, with the first-ever murder and the stories of Cain, Lamech and Seth.

In this episode of the Moore College podcast, in a chapel service held on Friday 30 August 2024, Mark Thompson, Principal of Moore Theological College, draws out significant lessons about hope, life and faith, and how the decision to turn aside from God’s word has terrible repercussions for those who fail to trust God.

Mark continues his series in the Book of Genesis and reminds us that the only remedy for extravagant evil is be extravagant grace—the grace found at the cross of Christ.

We hope you find the episode helpful.


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sermonChristianityreligionhopesinGenesisMark ThompsonGenesis 4murderunbelief