Monroe's ChestExplicit

by Dubstep and Dragons

Ahoy there, landlubbers and merfolk alike! Welcome to Monroe’s Chest! the podcast that sails the seas of whimsy and dives into the depths of nautical nonsense. Join us as we navigate through a sea of laughter, uncovering the treasures hidden within Monroe’s mystical chest, where every episode is a tidal wave of hilarity and unexpected discoveries!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Episode 12 - Sailing to Dreadhaven


    Episode 12 - Sailing to Dreadhaven


    Join the crew as they continue to mend the ship, and sail towards the next port. The crew takes time to get to know each other further and become better crew mates.

  • Episode 11 - Rebuilding A Ship


    Episode 11 - Rebuilding A Ship


    Join the crew as they take some time to rebuild what they have won! learn a little more about the companion to the crew, and see what lies ahead for the Tentacruels.

  • Episode 10 - Spider Dance


    Episode 10 - Spider Dance


    Join the crew as things start to get a little more heated and they find out a little more about this interesting ship that they were saved by.

  • Episode 9 - Spiders and Ships


    Episode 9 - Spiders and Ships


    After a long battle with the kraken the crew spots an unfamiliar ship with webs for sails and decided to check it out. little did they know of what was to come ahead.

  • Episode 8 - The Kraken!


    Episode 8 - The Kraken!


    Join the crew as they set sail with a new ship, new hopes, and the eye on the horizon, and making it out of port before running into a Kraken!