Podcast episodes
Season 2
Why Digital Agility is at the Core of the Digital Samurai System | eBudo
This episode is about the core objective entrepreneurs and Micro-Influencers should focus on, attaining digital agility, which means continually refining their digital skills. Digital Samurai teaches clients how to capture information coming into their digital world, archive and retrieve it at will, share and collaborate with their team as if they were in the same room. Speed efficiency and precision of execution are the calling cards of successful entrepreneurs and global influencers who have mastered digital agility. Learn faster. Work smarter. Don't settle. Design your future. Curated by Martin R. Ricketts
Specialist or Generalist? Which is Better
Is it better to be a specialist, a generalist or perhaps a polymath? A specialist is someone who has a deep understanding and expertise in a specific field, while a generalist has a broader range of skills and knowledge across multiple fields. A polymath has a deeper level skill set across multiple domains. Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: https://youtu.be/qdbC-O3qzCo Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future. Monetize Your Story 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙉𝙊𝙒! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory . Music: https://www.purple-planet.com . #SpecialistorGeneralist #Polymath#ElonMusk #firstprinciplesthinking#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo
How to Obtain Digital Agility & Why You Need It
In this episode, we’re discussing the most important skill to master in the age of Cognitive Augmentation. Discover the core objective Digital Samurai advises entrepreneurs to focus on. Attaining digital agility. My guest’s name is Kathryn "RaRa" Asaro Mayers. She’s the Founder & CEO of THE BRIDGE. A Unique Educational Platform That Demonstrates Change & Positive Action. Their main focus is on Action-oriented behaviour and people who want to monetize a new concept or reframe a current program. In this episode, you'll learn why you must continually refine your digital skills. The importance of learning to manage data and Communications more efficiently so you can effortlessly collaborate with teams and outsource workers anywhere in the world. No matter what project or social media platform you're creating content for, becoming Digitally Agile so you can better leverage technology is the fastest and most cost-effective way to generate revenue in the digital age. "Content is everything," says Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of Vayner Media, one of the most successful digital marketing companies in the world. To be successful as an authority, influencer or expert, you must be able to capture information coming into your digital world, archive and retrieve it at will, share and collaborate with your team as if they were in the same room. He/she who does that fastest with the best content wins. 25% of time wasted looking for stuff. Everything you do in business involves managing data and Communications. Mastering data management and business communications are critical to success in a digital world where the speed, precision of execution, and freshness matters most. Technology can be frustrating indeed, but when the right tech is properly integrated with elegant strategies designed to reduce friction and confusion, it becomes seamless and ideally invisible., like making a long-distance phone call.
Chasing vs Building
The Modern Samurai interviews, with Martin Ricketts, the Digital Samurai, hosted by Anita Narayan. Learn faster, work smarter, get things done. In this interview, Martin talks with Anita about the long-term problem with transactional sales. Curated by: Martin R. Ricketts ANITA: Martin, I wonder if we could kick off just by opening this conversation up to look at, you know, what does that landscape look like, and what that means for business in terms of how we should be relating in business? MARTIN: Well, you know, I've been in business for 35 years. I've been a serial entrepreneur and it was a lot simpler before in a lot of ways, but technologically it was much more difficult. You know, the bad news is the world has changed. So what worked before might not work this time, and there's a lot of competition. In fact, the world is now your competition, but the good news is the world has changed. So technology has been democratized. With a YouTube channel, anyone in the world can start a business and start promoting a product or service. So that's a good thing, but because everyone is your competition, it's much harder to stick out. In the world of infinite supply. brand is one of the key ways that you can differentiate yourself. So you have to build your brand. And so that takes some thinking about, and some doing as to how you're going to do that, how are you going to attract and maintain clients? To read the entire article click the link below. https://bit.ly/3UrmIAf Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future. Monetize Your Story 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙉𝙊𝙒! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory Music: https://www.purple-planet.com #DataManagement #GoogleKeep #Dropbox#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts #DiegoAlcaraz#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo
Creating Systems is Critical for Success
Do you want to get more high-paying clients? In reality, most entrepreneurs don't have the systems to manage a large influx of new clients at a high level of customized service. So, having systems in place FIRST is critical if you want more clients. Curated by Martin R Ricketts Source: https://bit.ly/DSS-TheDoctrine-of-One Digital Samurai's S.M.A.R.T. Architecture solves this problem so entrepreneurs can accelerate impact and generate profits faster. SMART stands for Systems Monetization Adding Revenue thru Technology. Many young people who don't want to follow the Monday to Friday 9 to 5 highly structured work week think that systems are the enemy. But, in reality, the only way to create a lifestyle where you can do what you want when you want and where you want is to put automated systems in place for sales and marketing. Successful people Master the mundane. A daily routine provides structure and a logical sequence in our lives. It provides the framework in which we live our lives and conduct our daily activities. Soon we become familiar and comfortable with what we have to do daily. Finally, it allows us to experience a flow in our day so we can learn new things and accomplish more complex tasks. In addition, you can implement new tech strategies that instantly save time and money. For instance, using Google Calendar, Google Keep for capturing information coming into your digital world, and Google Tasks will give you more structure, which will translate into more time freedom so you can focus your attention on your core competency and boost profit, not waste time solving technical issues. Self-improvement is the best way to increase your productivity and profit, which is precisely what Digital Samurai teaches our clients. Don't Settle. Do Work You Love. Design Your Future. Monetize Your Story 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙉𝙊𝙒! https://linktr.ee/monetizeyourstory . Music: https://www.purple-planet.com . #Systems #Structure#MonetizeYourStory #MichelleRicketts #DiegoAlcaraz#KathrynAsaroMayers #TishaHammond #DrStephenHobbs#LearnFaster #WorkSmarter #DesignYourFuture#doworkyoulove #DontSettle #DigitalSamuraiStudios#theGlobalInfluencer #MicroInfluencer #InfluenceMarketing#MartinRRicketts #LaptopLifestyle #CreatorCondo