Dr. Steve King, Dementia Prevention and Chiropractic Care

Memory Care with Teresa Youngstrom by Teresa Youngstrom

Episode notes

Hello Care Partners,

Today we are discussing Dementia Prevention with Guest Speaker Dr. Steve W. King of Mt. Lookout Chiropractic in Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Steve graduated cum laude from Life Chiropractic College. He treats a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries. He works with many professional athletes and amateur sports enthusiasts to treat and prevent injury, as well as enhance performance.

Dr. Steve King has an extensive post-graduate education in chiropractic, and he has a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition. His comprehensive approach includes state-of-the-art chiropractic care, targeted nutrition protocols, and exercise recommendations.

Dr. Steve holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Florida. Prior to his chiropractic career, Dr. Stev ... 

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DementiaMemory CareTeresa YoungstromMemory LossAlzheimersMemory Care ActivitiesQ & A with DementiaCaregiversCare Partnerspersonalized careOccupational Therapy and DementiaNeuroscienceA Better Approach to Memory CareSigns and Symptoms of DementiaParkinsons DementiaDementia Support for CaregiversDementia SupportMt. Lookout Chiropractic CareDr. Steve King Chiropractor