Magellans at the Movies

by Nathan Magalhaes

Welcome to Magellans at the Movies, the outrageously popular* new podcast about all things movies brought to you by Nathan “I-can’t-believe-I-ate-the-whole-thing” Magalhães and his brother Elliot “Who-on-Earth-is-going-to-listen-to-a-podcast-we-make” Magalhães! (*Outrageous popularity pending) Join the brothers Magalhães (Anglicized as Magellan) as they bicker and banter about movies no one has seen or cares about or that ha ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Deadpool


    It’s hardly revolutionary to say that the superhero genre is on the decline these days. In terms of both review scores and box office returns, movies featuring men and women in brightly colored outfits throwing CGI monsters through CGI cityscapes with the aid of their CGI powers have become little more than fodder for less than favorable memes and a literally endless stream of articles with titles like “Is This the End of the Comic Book Movie?”, “Is This the end of the MCU?”, “Have Superheroes Gone the Way of the Westerns?”, and so on. Who, then, can save us from genre entropy? Who will reach into the sludge of tropes and cliches and bring forth the diamond in the rough needed to prove that the superhero movie yet has life in it? The answer, according to some, is Deadpool, an irreverent, violent, fourth-wall demolishing anti-hero who began his cinematic career with 2016’s Deadpool directed by Tim Miller. While the modern Deadpool might be in the unenviable position of being a hard R rated movie tasked with salvaging a cinematic universe whose main demographic is children and teens, the character’s first outing was a much lower stakes flick primarily marketed at those who are children and teens in spirit only. But does the Merc with a Mouth’s hugely popular film debut hold up? Let’s put forth maximum effort to find out in today’s episode of Magellans at the Movies! (Production note, the tracks got offset near the end, so Elliot talks over Nathan a bit. He was not being rude or prescient, it is just an unsolvable audio error) Contact us/Requests/Questions: Donate:

  • Sideways


    Ah, snobbery. It’s so often a mask for the discouraged, the downtrodden, the defeated. To puff yourself up over some esoteric details only you and five other people know about is to appear large and confident when we are in fact small and meek. But enough about me, let’s talk about Sideways, a 2004 drama based on the book by Rex Pickett. Sideways centers on that rarest of snobs: wine snobs, but slowly unfolds into a deeply moving character study of a struggling middle-aged writer and wine-thusiast on a road trip with his engaged best friend who is . . . just the worst. Sideways is a lovely, multifaceted film, now comedic, now devastating, that is sure to leave an impact on viewers from all walks of life. So grab a glass and get pouring along with those charming ragamuffins Magellans at the Movies! When’s your podcast getting published, you ask? Right now! Contact us/Requests/Questions: Donate:

  • The Dark Knight Rises

    The Dark Knight Rises

    When you get knocked down, you simply must get back up again. Surely one of the most worn of all the many self-help cliches, basically just keep on keeping on for the less earthy among us. Still, sometimes a classic is just what the doctor ordered, and for a dejected and apathetic Bruce Wayne who’s lost his kind of girlfriend and his kind of work friend to a nihilistic mass murdering clown, doctor’s orders are really the kind of things you want to be following. Thus, the stage is set for the return of Batman in The Dark Knight Rises, a 2012 superhero action thriller directed by Christopher Nolan. The conclusion to the Dark Knight trilogy has a less sterling reputation than its cultural titan of an older brother thanks to some thoroughly litigated plot holes, iffy fight scenes, and all around lighter thematic impact than its predecessor. Nolan, however, is Nolan, so what does it look like when the master makes a slip? Today we’ll be finding out all that and more on an exciting new episode of Magellans at the Movies! Is convincing you to listen to the episode a part of your plan? OF COURSE. Contact us/Requests/Questions: Donate:

  • Good Will Hunting

    Good Will Hunting

    Most of us don’t know what it’s like to be a super genius. While some synaptically blessed individuals carve their names into the face of history with their achievements in advanced particle physics and beating all of the Dark Souls games without getting hit, the best us dumb losers can hope for is third place at Dusty Steve’s general trivia night. Thankfully, movies allow us to live vicariously through onscreen characters who possess far greater acuity than ourselves. And if you’re feeling particularly slow, consider glimpsing true intellectual greatness in Good Will Hunting, a 1997 drama directed by Gus Van Sant. The Will Hunting designated by that clunky title is a young man of unparalleled smarts and dismal manners. Good Will Hunting was a big ‘ol hit with critics and audiences when it came out, and its popularity has only grown since then. Is that popularity enough to earn a favorable review from Magellans at the Movies? My dear reader, that is a question that you don’t need a PHD to answer. It’s not your fault you haven’t figured it out yet, you just need to start the episode! Contact us/Requests/Questions: Donate:

  • The Road

    The Road

    Do you miss your dead wife? Are you worried about your young son finding his own way in the apocalypse? Do you find the drudgery of the daily struggle for survival is just getting you down? Then you, my friend, are in need of a genuine, rejuvenating, individualized Cormac McCarthy road trip! On our world famous route through the blasted remains of North America you’ll be treated to only the most traumatizing of close encounters with filthy cannibals and dine on the finest of radioactive dust! You and your boy will be hunted, threatened, shot at, and quite possibly starve as you take in all the shades of gray and brown currently detectable by the human eye! If by the end of your journey you’re not philosophizing about the appeal of the oblivion promised by sweet sweet death, then your trip is on us! Need more convincing? Just check out The Road, a 2009 post apocalypse movie directed by John Hillcoat and based on the Cormac McCarthy book of the same name. Once you’ve been convinced that an authentic Cormac McCarthy road-trip is the only way to travel through the end of days, come on down to our offices in Houston and reserve you and your son a life changing experience for the low low price of your hope, joy, faith in humanity, and all chances of adequate hygiene today! Contact us/Requests/Questions: Donate: