I AM Love Ft. Charley Lamson & Tanjila: exploring how Oneness and the I AM presence drastically shifts consciousness

Loving Consciously Podcast by Ameris & Eric

Episode notes

We have explored love extensively on this podcast and while it's majorly present in this episode, today we dive deep into our second favorite topic and the second half of this show's title: consciousness. We are joined by a deeply embodied conscious couple to explore the I AM presence, unity consciousness, what it all means, and how to cultivate the ultimate I AM presence in your life. Join us for incredibly uplifting and enlightening insights into the power of I AM, remembering the I AM state is just as much our natural state as love is, and integrating further “I Am, We Are, and we are all One”.


Connect with Tanjila on Instagram @ soulsearch.io and online at

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loving consciouslyspiritualityi amconsciousness