
by Sotek

With the world of Warhammer Fantasy in all of its forms more active than ever, the time has come for a podcast to form around it! Loremaster of Sotek (Sotek/Ryan) & Andy Law (Legendary Writer, Editor, and countless other things) as we discuss numerous aspects of the hobby, lore, and games!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 7

  • Morghur the Shadowgave Shambles Unto Lorebeards! The Master of Skulls Seeks Delicious Gods to Eat

    Morghur the Shadowgave Shambles Unto Lorebeards! The Master of Skulls Seeks Delicious Gods to Eat

    There are countless horrors to be found within the Warhammer world, but not all nightmarish creatures are equal. Among the deep forests of the Old World there persist rumors of a horrid entity known by many names. Known as Gor-Dum to the Dwarfs, Cyanathair to the Elves, and the Shadowgave to Men. But to the Beastmen, the true Children of Chaos, he is Morghur. A repulsive fiend who perpetually mutates both his own body and all things around him, the Shadowgave is far more than a simple Beastman. He is, in truth, a terrible God of Mutation that ever attempts to force his way into reality so that he might track down and devour the Divine. Join us as we bask in his corruptive presence to know the truth behind the true God of the Beastmen.

  • Arbaal the Undefeated Rides Triumphantly Into Lorebeards! Khorne's Greatest Champion!

    Arbaal the Undefeated Rides Triumphantly Into Lorebeards! Khorne's Greatest Champion!

    There are many mighty heroes and powerful villains to be found within the Warhammer world, but few can boast of remaining undefeated over thousands of years while serving the utterly ruthless and unforgiving Khorne. Arbaal is an unstoppable beast upon the battlefield, riding upon an immense Flesh Hound given to him by the Lord of Skulls. What can be learned by dredging through the ocean of blood left in the wake of Arbaal? What does he represent and what might be his destiny as the world rampages on? Come along as we head into the Blood God's domain to seek the truth!

  • Josef Bugman Brings a Pint of XXXXXX to Lorebeards! Getting to the Bottom of a Dawi Legend's Tale

    Josef Bugman Brings a Pint of XXXXXX to Lorebeards! Getting to the Bottom of a Dawi Legend's Tale

    The Lorebeards are back with the first character feature of Season 7! Of course the stalwart Dwarfs are the only right and proper option to take such an incredible slot! However our path does not take us into the proud holds of the Karaz Ankor, but instead into the wilds where a great tragedy took place. One of the absolute oldest characters to be found in the entirety of Games Workshop, Josef Bugman is a legendary brewer and ranger who's sad tale has swollen in both scope and importance over the years. So fill your tankard and best grab some tissues for the story that awaits us is not a happy one.

  • Ask the Lorebeards Anything! Season 7 Begins a New Year of Warhammer Lore!

    Ask the Lorebeards Anything! Season 7 Begins a New Year of Warhammer Lore!

    The time has finally come for a brand new Season of Lorebeards! That's right, we're on to Season 7 as Loremaster of Sotek and Andy Law return to bless the world with more wisdom and lore goodness. What better way to start off another year than with a classic Ask Us Anything? This episode features Andy and Sotek answering any and all questions that the community comes running to submit! What will we end up discussing today?

  • Lorebeards Examine the New Old World Map! How is the Return to the Old World Shaping Up?


    Lorebeards Examine the New Old World Map! How is the Return to the Old World Shaping Up?


    While the Lorebeards have been busy digging through the old dusty tomes of the World That Was and exploring stories that lead right up to the End Times, Games Workshop has themselves been busy prepping the Warhammer World 200 years earlier for the upcoming examination of the Great War Against Chaos. One of the biggest things they've been up to is a fantastic, free map available to everyone on oldworld.com which includes TONS of information, locations, and points of interest. But how do Sotek and Andy feel about this Old World Map? Is it accurate? Is it interesting? Well let's find out!