Morghur the Shadowgave Shambles Unto Lorebeards! The Master of Skulls Seeks Delicious Gods to Eat
There are countless horrors to be found within the Warhammer world, but not all nightmarish creatures are equal. Among the deep forests of the Old World there persist rumors of a horrid entity known by many names. Known as Gor-Dum to the Dwarfs, Cyanathair to the Elves, and the Shadowgave to Men. But to the Beastmen, the true Children of Chaos, he is Morghur. A repulsive fiend who perpetually mutates both his own body and all things around him, the Shadowgave is far more than a simple Beastman. He is, in truth, a terrible God of Mutation that ever attempts to force his way into reality so that he might track down and devour the Divine. Join us as we bask in his corruptive presence to know the truth behind the true God of the Beastmen.