Back to Work

LIVE FROM THE LOUNGE with Keythe Farley by LIVE FROM THE LOUNGE with Keythe Farley

Episode notes

Whether your final summer fling includes a trip to the ocean, the mountains or just to the kitchen for a plate of snacks, we hope you’ll take time to Lounge with us. We’ve got stories, songs and conversations all intuitively designed to help you groove with the rhythms of the season.

This month’s theme is Back to Work, and Keythe chats with UCLA Labor Historian Tobias Higbie about the origins of Labor Day, the holiday that marks the unofficial end of summer.

Double Batch Daddy shares a new version of an old Workers Song.

For Dinner and a Movie this month, Keythe welcomes Ann Closs-Farley to The Lounge to share with you a Family Film that’s sure to stir your feelings, and they pair it with a dish that’ll make you feel all warm inside.

The Lounge Players are back with another installment in their series of Modern Fables.

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