Let's Grab A Cup!

by Adam Sturgeon

Let's Grab a Cup is focused on First Responder resiliency and the daily issues facing the men and women who spend their lives in daily service to their communities. This is a place where we can get together to actively listen, learn, and hold space for one-another. Let's do more. Let's be there for each other. Let's Grab a Cup and have a meaningful conversation.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Episode 21: The Staff Assistant. An interview with Dr. Ashley Massimino from The Staff Assistant Podcast.

    Episode 21: The Staff Assistant. An interview with Dr. Ashley Massimino from The Staff Assistant Podcast.

    This is Episode 21 of @lets_grab_a_cup podcast. “The Staff Assistant” – An interview with Dr. Ashley Massimino from The Staff Assistant Podcast. Dr. Massimino is a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist, working with one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the United States. Dr. Massimino focuses on confidential law enforcement sensitive service for active-duty military, veterans, law enforcement, first responders, health care professionals and their families. Dr Massimino has been practicing for over 14 years and has been extremely successful in implementing department training in the advancement of therapy related issues that affect both law enforcement and the prisoners she serves on a daily basis. Dr Massimino also provides advanced peer support training to small groups of peer support members within law enforcement, first responder and healthcare agencies. Above all else, Dr. Ashley Massimino is doing excellent work as the host of The Staff Assistant Podcast where she dives into the stories and lives of first responders around the country. By normalizing therapy, her show provides an insight to those who may be skeptical of the process and provides a safe place for people to share their personal experiences. I appreciate Ashley and her co-host “Ali” for joining me on the Let’s Grab a Cup! Podcast. This podcast is brought to you by Sturgeon Wellness (Intentionality, Authenticity, Resiliency). I am fully invested in the idea of a transparent, authentic, and intentional type of leader. I believe that we can do better for those we serve and those who serve along-side us. Let's step up by being vulnerable. Vulnerability is the true super-power. My goal is to find the leadership values within each one of us and really dive deep to bring it to the forefront. Find more on my website - Sturgeonwellness.com or letsgrabacup.com. You can find me @ap_sturgeon and @lets_grab_a_cup on Instagram. I am happy to hear any suggestions, comments, concerns, and if you would like to be a guest on the show, email me at sturgeonwellness@gmail.com. Come find me and Let's Grab a Cup together!

  • E20 - "The Coffee Roasters" - An interview with Brad and Heather Davis from Battle Born Coffee Roasters

    E20 - "The Coffee Roasters" - An interview with Brad and Heather Davis from Battle Born Coffee Roasters

    This is Episode 20 of @lets_grab_a_cup podcast. “The Coffee Roasters” – An interview with Brad and Heather Davis, Owners and Operators of Battle Born Coffee Roasters. Brad and Heather met at a young age. Brad had his eye on Law Enforcement, while Heather’s background was in graphic design. Brad ultimately joined the Customs and Border Patrol, stationed at the US/Mexico Border. After approximately 12 years protecting our country’s borders, the pandemic hit. Between politics, anti-police rhetoric, and the need to battle as hard-working Americans, “Battle Born Coffee Roasters” was created. Brad and Heather utilize their skills as they dive into this new venture of roasting coffee. They have learned so much along the way and have created a high quality, organic, product. Brad and Heather work tirelessly, not only continuing to enforce the law at the border, but also raising a family, and developing their new business. I loved learning how Brad and Heather developed their brand, learned techniques on roasting, and show their love for one another, their family, and their community. Go check out Battle Born Coffee Roasters, order yourself a bag of coffee, and check out the great labels personally created by Heather Davis. https://www.battleborn.coffee/ Also, as a special for the listeners, Brad and Heather have provided a 10% off your first order with code GRABACUP when you check out. This podcast is brought to you by Sturgeon Wellness (Intentionality, Authenticity, Resiliency). I am fully invested in the idea of a transparent, authentic, and intentional type of leader. I believe that we can do better for those we serve and those who serve along-side us. Let's step up by being vulnerable. Vulnerability is the true super-power. My goal is to find the leadership values within each one of us and really dive deep to bring it to the forefront. Find more on my website - Sturgeonwellness.com or letsgrabacup.com. You can find me @ap_sturgeon and @lets_grab_a_cup on Instagram. I am happy to hear any suggestions and comments, and if you would like to be a guest on the show, email me at sturgeonwellness@gmail.com. Come find me and Let's Grab a Cup together!

  • E19 - Transitioning into Retirement. An interview with Chief Jim Hyde, Retired from Chief in both the City of Davis and the City of Antioch.

    E19 - Transitioning into Retirement. An interview with Chief Jim Hyde, Retired from Chief in both the City of Davis and the City of Antioch.

    This is Episode 19 of @lets_grab_a_cup podcast. “Transitioning into Retirement” – An interview with Chief Jim Hyde, Retired from Chief in both the City of Davis and the City of Antioch. Jim has dedicated his life to serving others, working his way up the ranks of the Sacramento Police Department. Jim moved on to be a Chief of the City of Davis where he learned how to develop plans to help agencies and then ensure the implementation of those plans. Now, Jim runs First Responder Retirement Academy, helping coach retiring first responders draw a retirement blueprint for their next meaningful life journey. Jim is also President of Peer Support Central, which provides training and consulting services for those who serve first responders, military and corporate professionals across the globe. They are a team of trainers who understand firsthand the trials and challenges of critical incident stress and PTSD. Jim has helped hundreds of police officers transition through the retirement process, as well as been a guiding light to those in need. I truly appreciate Jim coming on this podcast and sharing his story. To find Jim and the services he provides, go to www.firstresponderretirement.com and www.peersupportcentral.com. If you would like to book a call with Jim, see hit calendar link below: https://calendly.com/firstresponders-retirement This podcast is brought to you by Sturgeon Wellness (Intentionality, Authenticity, Resiliency). I am fully invested in the idea of a transparent, authentic, and intentional type of leader. I believe that we can do better for those we serve and those who serve along-side us. Let's step up by being vulnerable. Vulnerability is the true super-power. My goal is to find the leadership values within each one of us and really dive deep to bring it to the forefront. Find more on my website - Sturgeonwellness.com or letsgrabacup.com. You can find me @ap_sturgeon and @lets_grab_a_cup on Instagram. I am happy to hear any suggestions, comments, concerns, and if you would like to be a guest on the show, email me at sturgeonwellness@gmail.com. Come find me and Let's Grab a Cup together!

  • E18 - The Cowboy - An interview with Police Officer and Certified Cowboy Matthew Marshall

    E18 - The Cowboy - An interview with Police Officer and Certified Cowboy Matthew Marshall

    This is Episode 18 of @lets_grab_a_cup podcast. “The Cowboy” – An interview with Police Officer and certified Cowboy Matthew Marshall. Matthew grew up in Southern California in the inner city and it was at a young age when his mom decided to send him to a school outside of the city in which he lived. Matthew enjoyed his early years, understanding that he was different than his classmates. Matthew played multiple sports including basketball, football, wrestling, and was also on the debate team. Most importantly. Matthew was an Equestrian enthusiast. Matthew fell in love with westerns and horses at an early age, riding equestrian, and even rode bulls in the rodeo. Matthew would say above all, He is a Cowboy! Matthew is a born leader. Matthew has shown up in the Law Enforcement world with a background in business and management. Matthew continues to draw on his past experiences to not only perform his daily duties to the fullest, but to reach as many people in the community that he possibly can in order to make a difference. One special project that Matthew has been determined to pursue is the creation of a Mounted Unit within his agency. Matthew understands the value and connection that people have with animals and he truly believes that the correlation will not only make him a better police officer, but it will provide a safe place for people to connect to and with the department’s employees. Matthew was a fantastic guest and I appreciate the time he took to come on the podcast. This podcast is brought to you by Sturgeon Wellness (Intentionality, Authenticity, Resiliency). I am fully invested in the idea of a transparent, authentic, and intentional type of leader. I believe that we can do better for those we serve and those who serve along-side us. Let's step up by being vulnerable. Vulnerability is the true super-power. My goal is to find the leadership values within each one of us and really dive deep to bring it to the forefront. Find more on my website - Sturgeonwellness.com or letsgrabacup.com. You can find me @ap_sturgeon and @lets_grab_a_cup on Instagram. I am happy to hear any suggestions, comments, concerns, and if you would like to be a guest on the show, email me at sturgeonwellness@gmail.com. Come find me and Let's Grab a Cup together!

  • E17 - The Commissioner - An interview with Justin Morgan. A behind the scenes look into the Civilian Police Complaint Commission

    E17 - The Commissioner - An interview with Justin Morgan. A behind the scenes look into the Civilian Police Complaint Commission

    This is Episode 17 of the @lets_grab_a_cup podcast - "The Commissioner" - An interview with Justin Morgan. A behind the scenes look into the Civilian Police Complaint Commission. Justin Morgan was born and raised in Southern California. Justin's mother was a teacher and Justin's entire family history has roots in all forms of politics. Justin attended California State University, Long Beach (where I initially met Justin). Justin majored in education and became a grade school teacher, which he continued for approximately 12 years. Justin attended Pepperdine University and graduated with Honors, and received a certificate of Law in Business from Cornell University. Justin and his family ventured back to Southern California to continue his roots and was appointed to the Citizen Police Complaint Commission (CPCC) by Mayor Robert Garcia. As Law Enforcement Officers, we think about the CPCC in very basic terms. The Commission is set up of various appointed citizens to hear complaints from individuals about misconduct of police officers. The Commission makes judgements on the complaints based on the facts presented and provides their judgement to the department. While the CPCC is determining their judgement, the Police Department is performing an internal investigation simultaneously. Many police officers believe that if a complaint lands on the desk of the CPCC, it will likely be sustained because law enforcement officers have a strong belief that the CPCC is "against them". There is a stigma associated with the idea that people who have not experienced the world of law enforcement are making judgements on citizen complaints. I was very interested to speak to Justin on this topic, because he describes the Commission as a very fair and unbiased entity. This interview provided me so much insight in the behind the scenes of the Commission and ultimately made the idea of a CPCC less "scary" and less "daunting." I believe there is a place for the CPCC and as long as the commission continues to remain unbiased and continues to look at all of the facts while making decisions on various citizen complaints, I believe the officers have nothing to fear from their decisions. If an officer does something that should be addressed, then we should all be comfortable knowing that the commission will address this complaint confidentially and justly. I really appreciate Justin coming on the podcast and I wish him well on all of his future endeavors. This podcast is brought to you by Sturgeon Wellness (Intentionality, Authenticity, Resiliency). I am fully invested in the idea of a transparent, authentic, and intentional type of leader. I believe that we can do better for those we serve and those who serve along-side us. Let's step up by being vulnerable. Vulnerability is the true super-power. My goal is to find the leadership values within each one of us and really dive deep to bring it to the forefront. Find more on my website - Sturgeonwellness.com or letsgrabacup.com. You can find me @ap_sturgeon and @lets_grab_a_cup on Instagram. I am happy to hear any suggestions, comments, concerns, and if you would like to be a guest on the show, email me at sturgeonwellness@gmail.com. Come find me and Let's Grab a Cup together!