Podcast episodes
Season 3
Kim K Didn't Win Because of Beauty Only it was Knowing the Marketing Numbers
The Kardashian's are beautiful people no doubt but beauty isn't why they are winning. There are a lot of beautiful people on social media. They are winning because they understood their marketing numbers and used them to their advantage. In this episode, I will talk about how Kim was brilliant to look at what she had and make it bigger than she even probably imagined. We all can be a Kardashian online. Take the focus off your likes and comments and look at your metrics with a different set of eyes and perspectives. Your brand will find the people that are looking for you but when they come what are you going to deliver to them?
What is Optimization on a Website - Why Does No One Talk About It?
Website optimization is fundamentally the most important aspect of driving traffic to your business online, but the funny thing is no one ever talks about it? In this episode we will dive deep into what optimization actually is and what does it mean for your website and online business.
Post Pandemic Marketing - What Does It Mean For Our Future
Post pandemic has made online marketing the go-to for every household. Just a few short years ago it was not as appealing to people to be online. They still believed in working at their jobs. But when that was taken from them due to the shutdown it seemed a new era of thinking has been brought to life and individuals are looking for a way to make money and take control of their financial lives. In this episode, I will talk about the shift from online marketing just 24 months ago and what is happening today.
Season 2
Biggest Myth Of Digital Marketing of 2021
Online business is forever getting more and more confusing to the newbie online entrepreneur. Working with clients for the past years has unveiled many trends that I continue to see leading my clients down an endless rabbit hole. A rabbit hole that cost them a lot of money and effort. Listen as I reveal the biggest myth in digital marketing for 2021