Podcast episodes

  • Season 5

  • So, Stephen A. Hurt Bronny James Feelings?


    So, Stephen A. Hurt Bronny James Feelings?


    Today's episode speaks about the confrontation between LeBron James and Stephen A. Smith and its connection to the incident between Chris Rock and Will Smith. Why is it that black people feel like you are hating on them when you give a negative take on their performance? As if they are above criticism, but you have to understand that this is an honest assessment of your game not your character? Let's talk about it on a new episode of Yo Is This Thing on Podcast. Thank you for tuning in, if you are new to the channel, please hit that like, share, and subscribe button. YouTube Channel: Chacalatee' Plays

  • Season 1

  • Episode 2: Era of B!tch Ass N!gg@s


    Episode 2: Era of B!tch Ass N!gg@s


    Aye yooo what's up guys and welcome to the second episode of Yo is This Thing On and quick disclaimer, the things talk about in this show are my opinion and I'm not speaking directly to anyone. I'm speaking on attitudes, actions and behaviors so try not to get too much into your feelings. There's a lot of bitchassness in the world today and I felt the need to address it. So if you're ready, let's get this thing going because I have a lot to talk about.

  • [Pilot Episode] I Was Raised on Reckless Behavior.


    [Pilot Episode] I Was Raised on Reckless Behavior.


    What's up guys and welcome to the first episode of "Yo is This Thing On"! podcast. I'm very happy to finally be in a space to get this done and I hope you enjoy and come back for more. I was raised on reckless behavior. Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy were who I would admire as a child. I would sneak into the den at my parents house and listen to Richard Pryor albums all night long. These guys were to raw so it pains me to see Eddie Murphy water down his comedic style for Coming To America 2. What happened to Eddie? I'll tell you what happened to him. This brittle world scared him straight. Let's talk about it.

  • Damn Shorty Got Hit With A Brick! [Are We Protecting Our Black Women?]


    Damn Shorty Got Hit With A Brick! [Are We Protecting Our Black Women?]


    Ladies y’all have got to be more careful, y’all are dealing with highly violative men who have no problem with hitting you in the face to prove a point. Deion is the man right now so put sum respek on his name. Somebody done went and made a fake high school that’s documented on HBO and y’all know what time it is right? It’s Football season, every side dudes favorite time of the year. Plus let’s give out some roses to my fraternity brother Kenyon Leno.Hit that like, share and follow/subscribe button to support your favorite guy! Be blessed friends.

  • First Day of School Parents Are Free Again!

    First Day of School Parents Are Free Again!

    Teachers you all have my respect because it takes a lot to deal with someone else's bad ass children. I started going back to church again so I'll be sure to pray for you.