Just A Dog Trainer

by Laurie C. Williams

Hi! I'm Laurie C. Williams, aka The Canine Diva and have been a professional canine behavior educator for over 35 years and I have something to say! I'll be sharing insight and insider information for both dog owners/guardians and dog training professionals alike, giving training tips and interviewing others in the industr -all important information you don't want to miss! Come for the education, stay for laughs, fun and a w ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Just A Dog Trainer Ep. 5 A girl, Two Pit bulls and a Bus

    Just A Dog Trainer Ep. 5 A girl, Two Pit bulls and a Bus

    Meet Constance Lee. Dogs come into our lives for many different reasons and sometimes it’s even to save our lives. Here’s one woman’s journey of how two abandoned Pit Bulls are leading her to high places. You can follow Constance’s continued journey on her You Tube channel The Dog Training Grimoire of Yin and Yang https://youtube.com/@dogtrainingyinandyang?si=OOuzWQOVKW9ug6Fa

  • Just A Dog Trainer Ep 04 - Are Dogs Better than Humans At Relationships

    Just A Dog Trainer Ep 04 - Are Dogs Better than Humans At Relationships

    Ask anyone who’s been married or in any long term relationship and they will tell you it takes work! Probably the only exception is latent/child, but even those relationships can be negatively impacted when one person neglects or takes the other for granted. Let’s explore ths ways dogs seem to be much better at maintaining a relationship at the highest level!

  • So you THINK you want a Cane Corso? Ask Joe Church of NWA Cane Corsos

    So you THINK you want a Cane Corso? Ask Joe Church of NWA Cane Corsos

    Cane Corsos (pronounced Cah-nee Corso) have been steadily growing in popularity over the last decade, but what should prospective owners know about this strong, powerful breed? Join me in my conversation with Joe Church, experienced Cane Corso breeder and breed educator based in Bella Vista, Arkansas. He shares his insight, experience and tips for prospective owners considering this breed. www.nwacanecorsos You Tube and IG ‪@NWACaneCorsos‬

  • “Just A Dog Trainer” Ep. 2 - Get to Know Stan Smith

    “Just A Dog Trainer” Ep. 2 - Get to Know Stan Smith

    Join me for my conversation with Stan Smith of Iron Sharp K9. Based in Cleburne, Texas, Stan is a busy, working dog trainer and social media creator specializing in obedience and manners for family pets through protection dog training. Stan’s friendly, relatable style coupled with his exceptional technique took him all the way from the lone star state to being chosen as a contestant on A & E’s “America’s Top Dog,” with his partner and canine companion “Rocko,” an American Pit Bull Terrier. His signature ending of each video with, “take care of your dog,” demonstrates his strong connection not only to his own dogs, but to his clients’ dogs as well. IG: IronsharpK9 TikTok: IronsharpK9 You Tube: IronsharpK9

  • Does Force Free Dog Training Need a Makeover?

    Does Force Free Dog Training Need a Makeover?

    Only 8-10% of dog owners/guardians in the U.S. have or will use professional dog training services. That means dog trainers on social media will be the only dog trainers they actually see, hear and learn from. As a rewards-based dog trainer, what kind of information are you putting out? Further, how are you addressing not only the public, but other professionals in the field as well? Are you being a positive image or a negative one?