Podcast episodes
Season 6
Christopher Robin Worrell
And that's a wrap! Season 6 Serial Killers ends here with Dougie giving us the low down of The Truro Murderers, Christopher Robin Worrell and his accomplish James Miller, also madly in love with Worrell. Going on a spree of picking up their victims, murdering them and then dumping them all in the same wooded area...We've said it before...Love will make you do crazy things! #SerialKillers #ChristopherWorrell #TruroMurderers #JARRED
Lee Ford
Once again we are down to just 3 cast members, Ryan's back but Amber is not. But it's okay, Ryan brings Lee Ford to our attention, a family annihilator from Cornwall England who strangled his wife and his 4 step children, one after another in their own home...With zero motive! Then proceeded to keep the secret hidden for an entire month! #SerialKillers #LeeFord #JARRED
Nancy Doss
We're getting into the habit of their only being 3 of us present per episode. We're Ryan down which means no video. But Amber brings fourth Nancy Doss, AKA The Giggling Granny, AKA The Lonely Hearts Killer. Swiping up her victims for big insurance pay-outs...Money will make us do nasty things... #SerialKillers #JARRED #NancyDoss #TheGigglingGranny
Madame Popova
We're in the last leg of Season 6! This is Jess' last episode for the serial killers and though it's another short and sweet. It's a whopper! Russian serial killer Madame Popova claims killed over 300 people in the 1800s after starting her own business of murdering abusive husbands...Girl power??? #SerialKillers #JARRED #MadamePopova