Issue By Issue: A DC Comics Completionist Podcast

by Nick Byers

A DC Comics podcast covering the history of the DC Comics Multiverse by reading every issue published by DC Comics pertaining to the superhero universe from the very beginning.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Crisis 16: These Tie-Ins Are Tie-Ins In Name Only

    Crisis 16: These Tie-Ins Are Tie-Ins In Name Only

    Vigilante #22, Crisis on Infinite Earths #3, DC Comics Presents #86, Swamp Thing #44, Swamp Thing #45 Adrian Chase hunts for Vigilante while his girlfriend storms out! The Crisis Squads have some trouble! Superman and Supergirl stop the universe from contracting! Swamp Thing gets sent on wild goose chases by the newly debuted John Constantine! Shout out to Mike's Amazing World of Comics and DC Wiki for the help on backgrounds and summary assistance! Remember to rate and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts to help out the show. Check us out on our socials where we post Comic Covers and other cool old timey comic stuff. Instagram: Twitter: Threads: Youtube: Thank you for listening!

  • Crisis 15: Batman Loves a Femme Fatale

    Crisis 15: Batman Loves a Femme Fatale

    Detective Comics #556, Batman #390, Detective Comics #557, Batman #391, Detective Comics #558 On this episode of Issue by Issue: Crisis, we cover the remainder of the Nocturna/Night Slayer story arc. Batman does some smooching and some professing of his love. Robin is a real mommas boy. Catwoman is just doing her best. Bullock makes movie references. Nocturna and Night Slayer speak in repetitive sentences. Vicki Vale has a new boyfriend with a very funny name. And in the end we find out the timeline is off. Shout out to Mike's Amazing World of Comics and DC Wiki for the help on backgrounds and summary assistance! Remember to rate and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts to help out the show. Check us out on our socials where we post Comic Covers and other cool old timey comic stuff. Instagram: Twitter: Threads: Youtube: Thank you for listening!

  • Crisis 14: The Skies are Red (Pink) and Its Getting Weird

    Crisis 14: The Skies are Red (Pink) and Its Getting Weird

    Green Lantern #194, Infinity Inc. #19, Justice League of America #244, Infinity Inc. #20, Batman #389 John Stewart joins the Monitor's Team! The Infinitors are tricked into going to Detroit! Steel cries while beating up his grandpa! A hospital disaster creates two new Infinitors! There's a weird mommy dynamic with this pale lady and Robin!

  • Crisis 13: Ooh, That's How Obsidian and Firestorm got into Crisis On Infinite Earths

    Crisis 13: Ooh, That's How Obsidian and Firestorm got into Crisis On Infinite Earths

    All-Star Squadron #50-52, Fury of Firestorm #41, Infinity Inc. #18 This week we cover the issues in-between Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 and #2. Half of the JSA gets shot into space! The other part fights the Monster Society of Evil! A trio meets Captain Marvel (Shazam)! Ronnie and Martin experience their first day of college! Infinity Inc. thwarts a kidnapping and loses one of their own! (They are weirdly unphased!) Remember to rate and review on Apple Podcasts and/or Spotify to help out the show. Check us out on our socials where we post Primo Panels and other cool old timey comic stuff. Instagram: Twitter: Threads: Youtube: Thank you for listening!

  • Crisis 12: Vigilante and 40 Kilos

    Crisis 12: Vigilante and 40 Kilos

    Tales of the Teen Titans #53, Vigilante #17, Batman #383 The Titans do a pointless chase and go to court! Vigilante deals with domestic violence! Batman is sleep deprived! Remember to rate and review on Apple Podcasts and/or Spotify to help out the show. Check us out on our socials where we post Primo Panels and other cool old timey comic stuff. Instagram: Twitter: Threads: Thank you for listening!