INTP Growth and Humanity

by Victor and Carl

INTPs looking for growth and explaining their humanity for other INTPs and those looking to understand INTPs

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • 2 INTPs and an ENTJ

    2 INTPs and an ENTJ

    Victor and Carl who are both INTPs according to the Meyers Briggs personality typology science have a talk with Jared an ENTJ. We explore the cognitive functions as they are in our lives and how we are growing in our humanity. What do you do when you get "attacked"?

  • INTPs meet

    INTPs meet

    These two INTP personality types met on Reddit and decided to do a podcast about the Introverted iNtuitive Thinking and Perceiving personality type. This is the first time that Victor and Carl have ever met beyond a text message. They thought it would be a great episode that is raw and organic material of INTPs. They go all over the place talking about their experience of being an INTP and their lives.