Podcast episodes

  • Season 21

  • Draw Near – A Study of the Tabernacle- Lesson 4

    Draw Near – A Study of the Tabernacle- Lesson 4

    Lesson 4 - The Day of Atonement The Day of Atonement was the only day of the year when the High Priest was allowed into God’s presence to offer the blood of a sacrifice, but the blood of bulls and goats could never take away sin — at best this provided only a temporary solution. Join us to discover how Jesus fulfilled the Day of Atonement and how He has permanently reconciled us to God the Father.

  • Draw Near – A Study of the Tabernacle- Lesson 3

    Draw Near – A Study of the Tabernacle- Lesson 3

    Lesson 3 - The Holy of Holies and the High Priest The veil separated mankind from God’s presence in the Holy of Holies — the inner sanctum of the Tabernacle that contained the Ark of the Covenant. The only person allowed to enter there on one special day each year was the High Priest, who is a beautiful picture of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Draw Near – A Study of the Tabernacle- Lesson 2

    Draw Near – A Study of the Tabernacle- Lesson 2

    Lesson 2 - The Outer Court and the Holy Place The Tabernacle is a beautiful picture of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all that He has done to bring us into the Father’s presence! But in this lesson especially, it also speaks to our daily lives, showing us how we can continue to live in His presence, following Him and serving Him with our whole hearts.

  • Draw Near – A Study of the Tabernacle- Lesson 1

    Draw Near – A Study of the Tabernacle- Lesson 1

    Lesson 1- The Need for Blood Sacrifice Genesis 4:1-15; Exodus 8-12; and John 18:28-40. God decreed from the beginning that mankind’s sin can only be atoned for by the blood of a perfect sacrifice. The sacrificial system which the Jewish people used in worship is well documented in the Scriptures. They escaped God’s judgment and were able to fellowship with Him because of the blood of animals that died on their behalf. This method of approaching God through the blood of another, foreshadowed Jesus Christ and all that He would accomplish in His death on the cross.

  • Season 20

  • Hebrews - Draw Near. Hold Firm. Run with Perseverance - Lesson 12

    Hebrews - Draw Near. Hold Firm. Run with Perseverance - Lesson 12

    Lesson 12 - Live Worthy of the Calling Hebrews 13:1-25. The author closes his letter with some final exhortations to the kind of holy living that will both help his readers stand firm in their faith and witness to those around them. In this last chapter, he speaks about life of love, purity and contentment that God desires. And he reminds his readers that God’s grace will be with them as they follow Christ, no matter where He leads.