Episode 3: Anxiety and What Do We Trust In?

Inspired Studies Podcast by Hunter Land

Episode notes

Host: Hunter Land

In today's episode, Hunter takes a look at the different things that might bring anxiety into our lives and analyzes the biblical approach to our anxiety. Utilizing different devotionals as the structure to the study, Hunter shares how anxiety starts in the thoughts and explains how we are to surrender our anxieties over to God, trusting in Him and his character. Through this, Hunter explores what it means to surrender our anxieties to God and place our hope in God over our circumstances and anxieties.

Link to the Study Notes:

Inspired Studies - Episode 3 (Study Notes): Anxiety and What We Hope In ... 

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GodRelationshipRelationship with GodPrayerAnxietyTrustGod's CharacterFaithfulnessSurrenderPeaceThoughts