Does My Child Need Vision Therapy? (Dr. Leanna Dudley, O.D., FOVDR)

The Individual Matters Podcast by Individual Matters

Episode notes

Leanna Dudley is a developmental optometrist, follow of Optometric Vision Development and Rehabilitation Association, and founder of Denver Vision Therapy. She joins the podcast to talk about the following:

• What are the symptoms of vision problems in children?

• How do vision and motor develop together?

• What are the basic vision skills, and how are they measured?

• How can you tell if a kid needs vision therapy, or needs something else?

• What is vision therapy?

This is part 1 of our conversation with Dr. Dudley.

To listen to Part 2, which focuses on how vision problems overlap with dyslexia, ADHD, and autism, click here: ... 

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schoolvisiondyslexiaevaluationadhdautismvision therapyreadingvisual processing