The HCN Podcast - Episode 10: Tips for Coping wiith Holiday Stress from Katie J. Trent

The Homeschool Counseling Network Podcast by Kimberly Bennett

Episode notes

In episode 10, we chat with author, social worker, and veteran homeschool mom, Katie J Trent, about coping with holiday stress. Join us as we talk with Katie about the importance of managing boundaries with loved ones, creating realistic expectations, coping with grief, and recognizing warning signs of deeper mental health concerns including ways to seek support.

Katie is a popular author, speaker, and homeschool mama of two. She’s also a Pinterest drop-out with a messy house and happy kids—most of the time. Katie’s mission is to inspire women to grow their faith, strengthen their families, and simplify their homeschool. In writing and speaking, Katie draws on a wealth of knowledge and experience from over a decade of counseling, ministry, and church planting.

Where to find Katie's book:

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counselinghomeschool supporthomeschoolcounselingcoping with stresshomeschooling at the holidays