Hold the Shekinah

by Aurea Lara

Shekinah is the feminine emanation of God/Goddess. She is also called the Holy Spirit. When one aligns with, and anchors, the Light of Creation, the Light of Shekinah, in our sacred, physical bodies we can fully activate our Divine Human DNA. The more Light we can hold in our bodies, the more we can purify and transmute lower frequencies associated with karmas, traumas, dense emotions and lower energies. When we realize the  ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 4

  • Virgo New Moon Sound Activation

    Virgo New Moon Sound Activation

    Blessings & Happy Day of the Goddess! Taking the time to connect with our Soul and align with our Soul's mission and the Divine is a beautiful way to honor this New Moon in Virgo. Join me in this powerful Sound Activation for the New Moon in Virgo and the lunar cycle of Virgo/Elul. xx Ahava Some tips for receiving these activations: Listen on a platform with ZERO advertisements (like on my website https://sophianiccreation.com/podcasts ) or here https://rss.com/podcasts/holdtheshekinah/ Check out the continuation and upgraded NEW Podcast https://rss.com/podcasts/embodying-the-shekinah Be in a quiet, comfortable space, where you will not be disturbed Light a candle, burn some incense, create your own ritual around this practice Allow your heart to be open to receive the highest frequencies of unconditional love Close your eyes, focus on your breath and allow the sound frequencies to do their work. Afterwards, please drink plenty of water, journal, rest and eat good, nourishing foods. You can also go for a walk in nature to integrate the healing. (Sound Healing is an Energy Healing) For my non-English speaking listeners, you can listen to this activation too. Just follow these tips (pop them in google translate) Ahava, Aurea PSA - Please listen to this Sound Activation on a platform that does not cut into episode with Ads. Do not listen on YouTube unless you've paid for NO ADS. Listen to this Sound Activation on Spotify/Apple Podcasts/any Ad-free space. Thank you. Take a listen to the Virgo New Moon Energies episode here: https://sophianiccreation.com/podcasts Visit my website to listen for free & with ZERO ads here: https://sophianiccreation.com/podcasts Latest episodes are at the top! Want to activate more Confidence & Self-Worth? Check out this video: https://youtu.be/rm6d0PilZb0 It's the first in a series of 3, stay tuned for more! xx To book a 1-1 Soul Activation Session, please visit my website or email me - https://sophianiccreation.com/ Connect with me by: Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/aurealara?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurealara/ https://www.instagram.com/embodyingtheshekinah/

  • Virgo New Moon Energies

    Virgo New Moon Energies

    Check out the continuation and upgraded NEW Podcast https://rss.com/podcasts/embodying-the-shekinah Happy Day of the Goddess! Shabbat Blessings! The New Moon falls late Sunday & into early Monday morning and we are in the thick of the healing, purifying and activating energies of this Virgo New Moon! Join me and let's uncover the wisdom codes of Virgo and the energies of this New Moon. Ahava, Aurea Don't forget to tune into the Virgo New Moon Sound Activation here: https://sophianiccreation.com/podcasts https://rss.com/podcasts/holdtheshekinah/ PSA - Please listen to this Sound Activation on a platform that does not cut into episode with Ads. Do not listen on YouTube unless you've paid for NO ADS. Listen to this Sound Activation on Spotify/Apple Podcasts/any Ad-free space. Thank you. Visit my website to listen for free & with ZERO ads here: https://sophianiccreation.com/podcasts Latest episodes are at the top! Want to activate more Confidence & Self-Worth? Check out this video: https://youtu.be/rm6d0PilZb0 It's the first in a series of 3, stay tuned for more! xx To book a 1-1 Soul Activation Session, please visit my website or email me - https://sophianiccreation.com/ Connect with me by: Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/aurealara?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurealara/ https://www.instagram.om/ausetkaalchemy/ https://www.instagram.com/embodyingtheshekinah/

  • Season 3

  • Hold the Shekinah - Transition

    Hold the Shekinah - Transition

    Blessings! Happy Day of the Goddess! I am so grateful for all of you who have joined in and shared this journey with me!! During the past year and several months I have continued to expand in both my inner work and in my healing work. As a result this podcast has evolved into a clearer vision of what I am here to share through this endeavor. I invite to continue to share these moments of growth and expansion with me in the rebirth of this podcast into Embodying the Shekinah. https://rss.com/podcasts/embodying-the-shekinah/ Don't forget to Subscribe to and Share the new podcast - Embodying the Shekinah! You will continue to have access to these episodes on the Hold The Shekinah page & on my website https://sophianiccreation.com/podcasts https://rss.com/podcasts/holdtheshekinah/ PSA - Please listen to this Sound Activation on a platform that does not cut into episode with Ads. Do not listen on YouTube unless you've paid for NO ADS. Listen to this Sound Activation on Spotify/Apple Podcasts/any Ad-free space. Thank you. Visit my website to listen for free & with ZERO ads here: https://sophianiccreation.com/podcasts Latest episodes are at the top! Including those for Embodying the Shekinah! Want to activate more Confidence & Self-Worth? Check out this video: https://youtu.be/rm6d0PilZb0 It's the first in a series of 3, stay tuned for more! xx To book a 1-1 Soul Activation Session, please visit my website or email me - https://sophianiccreation.com/ Connect with me by: Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/aurealara?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurealara/ https://www.instagram.com/embodyingtheshekinah/

  • Mercury Rx in Leo/Virgo Sound Activation

    Mercury Rx in Leo/Virgo Sound Activation

    Check out the continuation and upgraded NEW Podcast https://rss.com/podcasts/embodying-the-shekinah Blessings & Happy Day of the Goddess! Within the space of this Mercury Retrograde I have received a lot of clarity on how I wish to fine tune my alignment to the Divine, my Soul and the expressing of my Soul's mission. My hope and intention is that this Sound Activation will allow similar clarity and insight for you on your unique Soul mission & its expansion, xx Ahava Some tips for receiving these activations: Listen on a platform with ZERO advertisements (like on my website https://sophianiccreation.com/podcasts ) or here https://rss.com/podcasts/holdtheshekinah/ Be in a quiet, comfortable space, where you will not be disturbed Light a candle, burn some incense, create your own ritual around this practice Allow your heart to be open to receive the highest frequencies of unconditional love Close your eyes, focus on your breath and allow the sound frequencies to do their work. Afterwards, please drink plenty of water, journal, rest and eat good, nourishing foods. You can also go for a walk in nature to integrate the healing. (Sound Healing is an Energy Healing) For my non-English speaking listeners, you can listen to this activation too. Just follow these tips (pop them in google translate) Ahava, Aurea PSA - Please listen to this Sound Activation on a platform that does not cut into episode with Ads. Do not listen on YouTube unless you've paid for NO ADS. Listen to this Sound Activation on Spotify/Apple Podcasts/any Ad-free space. Thank you. Take a listen to the Mercury Rx in Leo/Virgo Energies episode here: https://ausetkaalchemy.com/podcasts Visit my website to listen for free & with ZERO ads here: https://sophianiccreation.com/podcasts Latest episodes are at the top! Want to activate more Confidence & Self-Worth? Check out this video: https://youtu.be/rm6d0PilZb0 It's the first in a series of 3, stay tuned for more! xx To book a 1-1 Soul Activation Session, please visit my website or email me - https://sophianiccreation.com/ Connect with me by: Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/aurealara?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurealara/ https://www.instagram.com/holdtheshekinah/

  • Mercury Rx in Leo/Virgo Energies

    Mercury Rx in Leo/Virgo Energies

    Check out the continuation and upgraded NEW Podcast https://rss.com/podcasts/embodying-the-shekinah Blessings on this Day of the Goddess! As we are in the thick of the Mercury Retrograde I felt that we should take a looksie at the energies of this Mercury Retrograde in Leo & Virgo and share some insight on these energies and how we can work with them to uplevel and upgrade our human experience. May this inspire and uplift you xx Ahava, Aurea Don't forget to tune into the Mercury Rx in Leo/Virgo Sound Activation here: https://ausetkaalchemy.com/podcasts https://rss.com/podcasts/holdtheshekinah/ PSA - Please listen to this Sound Activation on a platform that does not cut into episode with Ads. Do not listen on YouTube unless you've paid for NO ADS. Listen to this Sound Activation on Spotify/Apple Podcasts/any Ad-free space. Thank you. Visit my website to listen for free & with ZERO ads here: https://ausetkaalchemy.com/podcasts Latest episodes are at the top! Want to activate more Confidence & Self-Worth? Check out this video: https://youtu.be/rm6d0PilZb0 It's the first in a series of 3, stay tuned for more! xx To book a 1-1 Soul Activation Session, please visit my website or email me - https://ausetkaalchemy.com/ Connect with me by: Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/aurealara?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurealara/ https://www.instagram.om/ausetkaalchemy/ https://www.instagram.com/holdtheshekinah/