Harvest Time International Church

by Pastor Stacey Carver

Welcome to "Harvest Time International Church Podcast: Laborers of Luke 10:2."In this sacred space, we gather with a singular purpose, guided by the words of Luke 10:2: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."Harvest Time International Church is the vessel through which we answer this divine call, dedicated to the mission ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • From Anonymous to Anointed

    From Anonymous to Anointed

    From Anonymous to Anointed Speaker: Tim Jackson BIBLE: 1 Samuel 16:1-23, Galatians 6:9, 1 Peter 5:6-7, Proverbs 19:24 DATE: 06-23-24 Today, we delve into the story of David, a shepherd boy who transitioned from being unknown and overlooked to becoming a mighty anointed king. David's journey from anonymity to anointing is a powerful reminder that God sees our hearts and has a unique plan for each of us. We must remain faithful in our current roles, trust God’s process, and avoid complacency. As Galatians 6:9 and 1 Peter 5:6-7 encourage us, perseverance and humility are key to experiencing God’s perfect timing and elevation. In Christ, Pastor Tim Jackson Harvest Time International Church https://www.theharvestchurchonline.com

  • Rise Up and Build

    Rise Up and Build

    Rise Up and Build Speaker: Stacey Carver BIBLE: Nehemiah 2:17-20, Nehemiah 4:6, Nehemiah 4:13-20 DATE: 06-16-24 Today, we embark on a journey through the book of Nehemiah to draw inspiration and lessons from his unwavering commitment to rebuild Jerusalem's walls. Nehemiah's story is a powerful testament to faith, leadership, and resilience. Nehemiah’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of faith, unity, and resilience. As we rise up to build in our own lives and communities, let us recognize the need, trust in God’s provision, work with all our hearts, be prepared and vigilant, and remember the Lord’s greatness. In Christ, Pastor Stacey Carver Harvest Time International Church https://www.theharvestchurchonline.com

  • The Little Rudder Controls the Whole Ship

    The Little Rudder Controls the Whole Ship

    The Little Rudder Controls the Whole Ship Speaker: Stacey Carver BIBLE: 2 Corinthians 4:13, Proverbs 8:22, Luke 6:45, James 1:6-8, Luke 1:38, 1 Peter 5:7, Luke 1:45, Luke 1:20, Joshua 6:10 DATE: 06-13-24 Today, we will explore the profound truth that our words and beliefs steer the course of our lives, much like a small rudder controls a massive ship. This concept, rooted in Scripture, challenges us to align our speech and faith with God's Word. Our words and beliefs are powerful forces that shape our lives. Like a small rudder that controls a large ship, the words we speak and the faith we hold guide our spiritual journey. Let us be mindful of our speech, aligning it with God's wisdom and promises. By doing so, we can navigate life's challenges with confidence, knowing that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. In Christ, Pastor Stacey Carver Harvest Time International Church https://www.theharvestchurchonline.com

  • Is The Caution Light On?

    Is The Caution Light On?

    Is The Caution Light On? Speaker: Stacey Carver BIBLE: Isaiah 10:27, 2 Timothy 4:2-5, 1 Thessalonians 2:4, 2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 DATE: 06-05-24 Today, we gather to discuss an important question: "Is the caution light on?" In our spiritual journey, God often places caution lights to alert us when something is not right in our lives. These caution lights are signals from the Holy Spirit, guiding us back to the path of righteousness. The caution light is a divine signal that something needs our attention. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, immerse yourself in God's Word, and seek to please God above all else. By doing so, we can navigate the challenges of our spiritual journey and remain steadfast in our faith. In Christ, Pastor Stacey Carver Harvest Time International Church https://www.theharvestchurchonline.com

  • Manifestation Of Unbelief

    Manifestation Of Unbelief

    Manifestation Of Unbelief Speaker: Stacey Carver BIBLE: Mark 9:23, Psalms 53:1, Romans 1:20, John 15:22, Hebrews 3:12-19, Psalms 78:6-22, Acts 7:51-52, John 12:37 DATE: 06-02-24 Today, we gather to address a crucial issue that affects our spiritual walk with God: the manifestation of unbelief. Unbelief can creep into our lives subtly, leading us to doubt, disobedience, and spiritual stagnation. We must combat this spirit of unbelief to remain steadfast in our faith. The manifestation of unbelief is a serious issue that hinders our spiritual growth and relationship with God. By recognizing the signs and taking steps to combat unbelief, we can remain steadfast in our faith. Let us commit to staying grounded in the Word, fostering a prayerful life, surrounding ourselves with believers, and always remembering God's faithfulness. In doing so, we can overcome unbelief and live a victorious Christian life. In Christ, Pastor Stacey Carver Harvest Time International Church https://www.theharvestchurchonline.com