Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Episode 13: RB Goblins with Ian Adams (DxC Winter Champ)


    Episode 13: RB Goblins with Ian Adams (DxC Winter Champ)


    Somebody forgot to tell the Red Line Treefolk that Red was dead and Black was bad, so Ian committed a major faux pas and won our tournament with RB Goblins. Brad and Billy have a pleasant chitchat with Ian about PM vibes, crushing cleverboys with an aggro deck, and being good stewards of your local scene. TREEFOLK RISE UP! RB Goblins: https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=65567&f=PREM Our shit: https://linktr.ee/duresscrew Leave us a shitty voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/DuressCrew

  • Episode 12: Low Sodium Tournament Prep with Jay McCowan


    Episode 12: Low Sodium Tournament Prep with Jay McCowan


    Jay McCowan leads conspicuous underperformers Billy and Brad on a self-help journey to calibrate our behaviors with our competitive or social goals in mind. Using his experiences from the decidedly un-chill RCQ mosh pit, Jay has a message for the salties, the sweaties, and the stinkers on how to stay chill, or how to recognize when you don't deserve to. our shit: https://linktr.ee/duresscrew talk shit in our voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/duresscrew

  • Episode 11: Shootin' the Shit


    Episode 11: Shootin' the Shit


    In a stunning display of journalistic improvisation, Brad and Billy provide our dear listeners with the hard-hitting content they've come to expect from an institution as august and lauded as Duress Crew. In this case, we have a good 0ld fashioned shoot the shit about ban philosophy, listener comments, context on the current state of the PDAP, and speculator bullshit. After a mouth-watering duressipe, Brad yanks Billy away from the Edenic temptation of a survival terrageddon deck tech. Talk shit in our voice mailbox: https://www.speakpipe.com/duresscrew our shit: https://linktr.ee/duresscrew

  • Episode 10: Terrageddon. All of it.


    Episode 10: Terrageddon. All of it.


    Take a seat, gang, this one's a doozy. Part 1 of this episode features DxC's B-Team of Ben, Brad, and Billy going through every Terrageddon list we can find and doing a mini deck tech on every persuasion available. Part 2 is a symphony of diplomacy, where the three of us build and agree upon a list to take to Rochester Winter Ball. All three of us play the same 75 to varying success. Part 3 is a carcast with our two top finishers, Brad (T4) and Nick Pynn (T8 on UNought) chatting with Billy the Undeserving. 4c TG List: https://moxfield.com/decks/MAwax2Pmk0uJ2QW7HUzlGw Our shit: https://linktr.ee/duresscrew

  • Episode 9: The Premodern Data Analysis Project


    Episode 9: The Premodern Data Analysis Project


    Have you ever wondered how stunningly right DxC has been about everything? And so often? We'll let you in on a little secret: in addition to measuring dicks, we also measure metagames. We're proud to announce that DxC has been busy curating the Premodern Data Analysis Project, a new data publication for the community to complain to each other about. Join Nick, Jay, and Brendan the New Guy while they explain computers to Billy and how they count such big numbers so quickly. Check it out at data.duresscrew.com!