Episode notes
By Pastor Jason Lim
God's people are to be set apart from the world.
So God gave Israel the laws that should inform their conduct in Leviticus 19.
We see that these laws are good. They are good in and of themselves & they are good for human flourishing, for they flow from the good law-giver, the LORD.
These laws are also summarized in the 1st and 2nd great commandments, which speak of love.
And these laws are God-centered- that they are to be obeyed because of God Himself.
As we reflect on the laws in the Bible, we learn that the Law serves as:
1. A Guardian- to lead us to Christ by showing our need for forgiveness.
2. A Guide- to show us what it means to love God.
3. A Gauge- obedience to God is the best evidence of true salvation