Politics 101 with David Orr: A Reform for Illinois Podcast

by Reform for Illinois

David Orr, founder of Good Government Illinois and longtime elected official in Chicago, discusses a variety of political issues with guest stars. Originally under Good Government Illinois, this podcast series is now part of the Reform for Illinois family.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Commissioner Cam Davis

    Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Commissioner Cam Davis

    In our latest Politics 101 episode, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Commissioner Cameron "Cam" Davis joins David and Alisa to discuss MWRD's vital role in protecting the environment, how federal funding cuts could affect public health, his experience as President Obama's "Great Lakes Czar," and more. Episode notes: MWRD video that David mentioned: How Chicago Cleans 1.4 Billion Gallons Of Wastewater Every Day | Deep Cleaned | Insider Cam Davis's website MWRD website

  • Politics 101 with David Orr: Inspector General Deborah Witzburg

    Politics 101 with David Orr: Inspector General Deborah Witzburg

    Chicago Inspector General Deborah Witzburg is charged with enforcing ethics rules in the most famously corrupt city in America. In our newest Politics 101 episode, she discusses her biggest challenges to strong ethics enforcement (it might not be what you think), why her office has done so many more investigations than her predecessors', the city's progress on police reform, and what the Supreme Court's ruling weakening federal corruption laws might mean for Chicago and the state. She also touches on every Chicagoan's favorite subject - that pesky parking meter deal - and why you should be even angrier about it than you were before. UPDATED 9/25: Inspector General Witzburg referenced a forthcoming campaign finance report in our podcast episode. On 9/24, OIG released an explainer about Chicago's current campaign finance laws and potential opportunities for reform. That explainer is available here: https://igchicago.org/publications/campaign-finance-rules-explainer/.

  • Politics 101 with David Orr: Alderman Matt Martin & RFI's Alisa Kaplan

    Politics 101 with David Orr: Alderman Matt Martin & RFI's Alisa Kaplan

    47th Ward Alderman Matt Martin Reform for Illinois' Executive Director Alisa Kaplan discuss the municipal public campaign finance ordinance introduced into city council and the importance of this reform on the inaugural episode of the new "Politics 101 with David Orr", now part of the Reform for Illinois family.

  • Season 2

  • A Conversation with Ari Berman

    A Conversation with Ari Berman

    David Orr & RFI Executive Director, Alisa Kaplan are joined by journalist and voting rights expert Ari Berman for a timely conversation on threats to democracy and how to combat them.

  • Politics 101 with David Orr: Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky talks November Election and more!

    Politics 101 with David Orr: Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky talks November Election and more!

    Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky discusses the Federal Budget, Medicaid, and more on the latest episode of Good Government Illinois' podcast, "Politics 101 with David Orr."