Good People, Cool Things

by Joey Held

A weekly podcast of conversations with folks doing stuff you don't always hear about, featuring entrepreneurs, musicians, writers, and other good people. Learn something new and have a great time doing it! Good People, Cool Things is published weekly on Sounder, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 7

  • Season 7 of Good People, Cool Things Launches on February 7!


    Season 7 of Good People, Cool Things Launches on February 7!


    The new season of Good People, Cool Things is nearly upon us! This trailer is a sneak peek at what you can expect — and don't you worry, the corny jokes aren't going anywhere. Be sure to follow or subscribe to the show (depending on your listening platform of choice) to have all the episodes tastefully delivered to your earbuds starting on February 7. For more, visit

  • 199: Listen to This While Grabbing a Snack

    199: Listen to This While Grabbing a Snack

    Ashley Nickelsen experienced a dearth of healthy options while spending frequent time in the hospital with both her parents. She set out to do something about it, creating B.T.R. Nation to deliver good-for-you and good-tasting snacks. We’re chatting about a failed flavor, the marketing channels B.T.R. Nation has found most successful, and the best artists to throw on during a run.

  • 198: Listen to This While Traveling Abroad

    198: Listen to This While Traveling Abroad

    Mariana Barbuceanu decided to give the digital nomad life a try a few years ago and soon realized she could make a living as a travel blogger while exploring all the world has to offer. And after jetsetting around Europe, she’s decided to settle in a European country for the next year. We’re chatting all about that new phase of her life, how she’s managed to travel on a comfortable budget without wildly altering her lifestyle, and the top karaoke songs to perform.

  • 197: Listen to This While Rocking Out

    197: Listen to This While Rocking Out

    Being in a band is among the coolest experiences one can have in life. This episode's guest knows all about that — Todd Tucker is getting the hair metal band back together as the director and writer of Rockbottom, a new movie featuring SO MANY impressive musicians. We’re chatting about the inspiration for Rockbottom, his career as a makeup and special effects artist, and how he got hurt doing a very unathletic move during the making of The Passion of the Christ.

  • 196: Listen to This While Impersonating Someone

    196: Listen to This While Impersonating Someone

    Back in my YouTube Z-list celebrity days, I had an ongoing series called 20 Pretty Bad Impressions in 1 Minute. Friends and I would go back and forth, quickly doing impressions. As the name suggests, the quality of said impressions was not good. Luckily, my guest today is significantly better at impressions. Lauren LoGiudice is the author of Inside Melania: What I Know About Melania Trump By Impersonating Her. Beyond her spot-on impression, she’s done a ton of cool stuff in the sketch comedy world and also hosts the Misfits Makin’ It Podcast, which is just an absolute delight to listen to. We’re chatting about what makes for a good character to perform, why asking for audience feedback is so helpful, and the best ways to get better sleep.