Future Work

by FlexOS

Welcome to Future Work, a podcast on the happier future of work.

Every week, we sit down with a global expert to learn how we can stay ahead with practical tips and strategies for leading in the future of work.

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • Annie Dean: HOW we Work Trumps WHERE we Work

    Annie Dean: HOW we Work Trumps WHERE we Work

    Hybrid work is here to stay, but are you making the most of it? Join us on July 8th for "The Hybrid Work Dilemma." - https://www.flexos.work/hybrid2024. Learn how to do more with less office space while increasing productivity, collaboration, and employee engagement. It's a chance to get inspired and connect with peers in a live roundtable to tackle your hybrid work challenges. Thanks to Tactic, the #1 rated space logistics platform used by customers such as Microsoft, Redbull, and the UN, for making this event possible. Visit Tactic today to unlock the power of hybrid work: https://www.gettactic.com/work. In today’s episode, we explore AI and modern work with Annie Dean, the VP of Team Anywhere at Atlassian, the largest distributed work company in the world. Annie has advocated for flexible work for over ten years, stemming from her own needs as a new mom, but in this episode, we shift the conversation from WHERE we work to HOW we work. We discuss how to work more effectively, AI's profound impact on productivity and collaboration, its broader implications for workplace diversity and inclusion, and Annie's inspiring vision for the future of work. Here are the actionable key takeaways from the conversation: Default to Digital-First Norms. The way Atlassian works today has proven that the office no longer needs to be a dependency for how great work gets done. Digital-first approaches optimize work efficiency, especially now that AI fuels even more seamless collaboration and information access. Shift towards digital-first practices and utilize AI tools to enhance productivity and reduce dependency on costly physical office spaces.2 Reduce Ineffective Collaboration. Fortune 500 companies collectively waste 25 billion hours a year on ineffective work, preventing people from doing the deep and creative work they crave. F500 CEOs believe their teams can get the same amount done in half the time, but their people are wasting time being stuck in a system that they can't win against. Annie’s study found that a lack of clarity on goals, a lack of knowledge sharing, and too much distraction are the three main reasons we are now getting our best work done. Leverage AI To Further Boost Effective Work And Collaboration. AI can solve the challenge of information being in many people's heads or even digitally dispersed in various accounts, email threads, and Slack channels. Change Your Own Way of Working. Many of these lessons can start small. Working differently yourself can help you model the right behaviors to your teams. Then, sponsor your employees to do the same. Think actively with your team members about how to attack the work they need to do. Embrace Modern Work to Promote Inclusivity. As Annie said, “So much of the story about women's place in leadership and in their fulfillment and growth in their careers is about logistics. Their access to higher salaries was actually a question of logistics, not intent, talent, or drive.” Make logistics work for everyone by making work digital and providing flexibility to accommodate the realities of people’s daily lives. This way, we can fulfill Annie’s wish of having the people who have been left out of the workforce until now run our companies in ten years. Like reading more than listening? Find the article on our website: www.flexos.work/learn/annie-dean-how-we-work-trumps-where-we-work

  • Reimagining the Office: Gensler’s Janet Pogue on Space Design for a New Era

    Reimagining the Office: Gensler’s Janet Pogue on Space Design for a New Era

    Hybrid work is here to stay, but are you making the most of it? Join us on July 8th for "The Hybrid Work Dilemma." - https://www.flexos.work/hybrid2024. Learn how to do more with less office space while increasing productivity, collaboration, and employee engagement. It's a chance to get inspired and connect with peers in a live roundtable to tackle your hybrid work challenges. Thanks to Tactic, the #1 rated space logistics platform used by customers such as Microsoft, Redbull, and the UN, for making this event possible. Visit Tactic today to unlock the power of hybrid work: https://www.gettactic.com/work. In today’s episode, we talk with Janet Pogue, the Global Director of Workplace Research at Gensler, about office design in 2024. Janet shares her insights from over twenty years of research, including their latest study, which covered 15 countries and 16,000 office workers. We’ll discuss how the pandemic has accelerated changes in workplace expectations, the essential elements of high-performing workspaces, and practical tips for making your office a place where people truly want to be. Here are the actionable key takeaways from the conversation: High-Performing Workspaces: Many offices remain unchanged post-pandemic, despite significant shifts in how we work. As Janet says, people now spend about half of their workweek in the office, and more than ever, they come into the office to focus and get their work done. Evaluate and update your office to align with new work habits and expectations. With more spaces for focused work, cocreation, informal and confidential conversations, hybrid meetings, and wellbeing. And, make sure you involve employees in the design process to increase their engagement and satisfaction with the workspace. As Janet said: "When people feel like they had a say, they now have ownership." Balancing Function and Experience: Successful workspaces balance functional efficiency with creating an engaging, welcoming environment. But it’s not space alone. We need to be intentional about the experience by hosting events, and having team and core days, all to create a sense of vibrancy so that offices are a carrot, not a stick. For innovation, the lifeblood of companies, to flourish, you need to have more people across teams, not just within a team. So, beyond the office design, think about why people want to be there and how you facilitate this. Leveraging Third Spaces: I loved Gensler's finding that you can extend the functionality and appeal of your office by using third spaces like coffee shops. With employees already spending a third of their week outside of the office and home, help them find more opportunities to tap into coworking spaces, libraries, coffee shops, and outdoor spaces to complement the office setting. Improving Technology: Effective technology integration is essential for successful hybrid work environments. As Janet said, almost every meeting will have someone joining remotely. Invest in technology that enhances communication and collaboration, ensuring remote and in-office workers are equally engaged. This includes not just better microphones and cameras but also optimizing the room's acoustics. Like reading more than listening? Find the article on our website: www.flexos.work/learn/reimagining-office-gensler-janet-pogue-space-design-new-era

  • Empathy and Efficiency: Ashley Herd's Viral Management Tips

    Empathy and Efficiency: Ashley Herd's Viral Management Tips

    Hybrid work is here to stay, but are you making the most of it? Join us on July 8th for "The Hybrid Work Dilemma." - https://www.flexos.work/hybrid2024. Learn how to do more with less office space while increasing productivity, collaboration, and employee engagement. It's a chance to get inspired and connect with peers in a live roundtable to tackle your hybrid work challenges. Thanks to Tactic, the #1 rated space logistics platform used by customers such as Microsoft, Redbull, and the UN, for making this event possible. Visit Tactic today to unlock the power of hybrid work: https://www.gettactic.com/work. In today’s episode, I welcome Ashley Herd, a lawyer turned management trainer whose TikToks and YouTube videos reach over 5 million views a month. This reach gives Ashley an amazing insight into the real sentiment of employees and managers, which she combines with data from doing corporate leadership training at scale. We'll discuss the importance of respect in the workplace, managers' untapped potential, and AI's evolving role in leadership. A great episode if you deal with remote teams, navigate hybrid work environments, or want to improve your managers. Here are the actionable key takeaways from the conversation: Respect and Humanity in the Workplace: Ashley sees a lot of unfiltered feedback on the world of work in her video comments. Combined with corporate training, it’s taught her that when employees feel valued and respected, morale and productivity are significantly boosted. Ensure you foster an environment where respect and empathy are central. Regularly check in with your team to understand their needs and concerns, and make people feel they matter in things like being able to take time off and getting credit for their work. The Ripple Effect of Good Management: Effective management goes beyond getting the work done well; it's about positively influencing and inspiring teams. But it goes further: As Ashley said: "Managers have a potential for ripple impact on their teams and often don't know how to harness it." So, invest in manager training programs that focus on empathy, communication, and leadership skills. Give them the autonomy to manage well and not have to run to HR every time. Driving Performance with Empathy: Performance is important, but don’t forget empathy to create a balanced and effective management style. Focus on understanding your team's needs and aligning them with organizational goals for optimal performance. Balancing Remote and Hybrid Work: Remote work requires a shift in management style, focusing more on outcomes than hours worked. As Ashley said, "Managers often worry about what their remote teams are doing, but it's about setting clear expectations and trust." Set clear goals and expectations for your remote teams. Use regular check-ins to maintain engagement and address any concerns. Like reading more than listening? Find the article on our website: www.flexos.work/learn/empathy-efficiency-ashley-herds-viral-management-tips

  • Using AI to Make Recruitment More Human (with Amber Wanner of Vette)

    Using AI to Make Recruitment More Human (with Amber Wanner of Vette)

    Hybrid work is here to stay, but are you making the most of it? Join us on July 8th for "The Hybrid Work Dilemma." - https://www.flexos.work/hybrid2024. Learn how to do more with less office space while increasing productivity, collaboration, and employee engagement. It's a chance to get inspired and connect with peers in a live roundtable to tackle your hybrid work challenges. Thanks to Tactic, the #1 rated space logistics platform used by customers such as Microsoft, Redbull, and the UN, for making this event possible. Visit Tactic today to unlock the power of hybrid work: https://www.gettactic.com/work. In today’s episode, we meet Amber Wanner, founder of Vette, who’s using AI to make recruiting more human. We'll discuss how Amber’s methods provide instant, meaningful conversations, not just interviews, often with people in similar roles who may be suited better for that conversation than a recruiter. Here are the actionable key takeaways from the conversation: Making People Feel Valued: Amber said her purpose is to show as many people in the world that they matter. Recruitment can feel like a plight, but try to reenergize your process to emphasize human connection. Instant Interviews: When you let people choose when to interview, as Vette does, you see that people choose to interview much faster than the usual process, and over 50% of the time outside of office hours. Does your current recruiting process support this? From Interviews to Conversations: Amber is dedicated to transforming hiring from traditional interviews to conversations. She believes in allowing colleagues and individuals familiar with the role to interact with candidates rather than relying on recruiters with limited knowledge of the position. She said, “A warehouse worker talking to another worker flows better, allowing for a safer, more comfortable environment." Using AI Purposefully: Amber found great ways to apply AI in places where it complements the human touch. For example, by matching candidates and interviewers like Uber does riders and drivers. They also use AI to summarize conversations and extract key data points. If you’re looking for ways to implement AI, this is a great place to start. Like reading more than listening? Find the article on our website: www.flexos.work/learn/ai-make-recruitment-more-human-amber-wanner-vette

  • Treating Employees Like Grownups (with Amy Leschke-Kahle)

    Treating Employees Like Grownups (with Amy Leschke-Kahle)

    Hybrid work is here to stay, but are you making the most of it? Join us on July 8th for "The Hybrid Work Dilemma." - https://www.flexos.work/hybrid2024. Learn how to do more with less office space while increasing productivity, collaboration, and employee engagement. It's a chance to get inspired and connect with peers in a live roundtable to tackle your hybrid work challenges. Thanks to Tactic, the #1 rated space logistics platform used by customers such as Microsoft, Redbull, and the UN, for making this event possible. In today’s episode, we explore the revolutionary idea of treating employees like responsible grownups with Amy Leschke-Kahle, a renowned thinker in the people and business space. Her mission is to solve hard problems you can’t see, bust workplace myths, and design solutions for people working in the real world. Before starting her own advisory, Amy served as Vice President of Talent Insights and Innovation for ADP. She led HRIT, people analytics, and learning & development organizations for several Fortune 500 companies. You’ll likely know for her writing in Fast Company, Forbes.com, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Fortune. In this conversation, we'll dive into how rethinking HR structures, embracing AI, and fostering a culture of trust and autonomy can transform organizations. Here are the critical insights into modernizing HR and workplace culture: Treat Employees Like Adults: Amy passionately argued for treating employees like responsible adults. If you treat your employees like responsible, super smart grownups, they will thrive." So, foster a culture of trust and autonomy, empowering employees to take ownership of their work and make meaningful contributions. Separate HR Functions: Amy emphasized the need to separate operational functions from talent amplification in HR. Distinctly separating compliance and payroll from coaching and development functions can streamline operations and enhance focus. Consider reorganizing HR departments to delineate between operational and talent functions, ensuring each gets the attention it deserves. Embrace AI for Connection: Amy highlighted how AI can help us be better coworkers, which highlights that AI isn't just for automating tasks; it can enhance human interactions and relationships at work. Implement AI tools that facilitate better employee communication and understanding, using data-driven insights to foster stronger workplace connections. Courageous Leadership for Transformation: Amy discussed the importance of leaders willing to make bold changes, saying, "It takes courageous leaders willing to take a pause and make that switch." Insight: Significant organizational change requires leaders who are brave enough to disrupt the status quo. Pilot innovative structures and processes, creating a culture that supports experimentation and growth. Focus on the Work, Not the Person: Amy pointed out that focusing on work rather than personal traits reduces unnecessary friction. Emphasizing work outcomes over personal characteristics can create a more objective and fair environment. Develop performance metrics and feedback systems concentrating on work quality and outcomes, minimizing personal biases. Like reading more than listening? Find the article on our website: www.flexos.work/learn/treating-employees-like-grownups-amy-leschke-kahle.