Bayt Al Maqdis

Furqan Qureshi Blogs by furqan Qureshi Blogs

Episode notes

Chapter 16 Part 2. "Bani Israel & Persian Empire" Sunday Night 8:00PM Release.


02. The origins of Bayt-Al-Maqdis

03. The area of Bayt-Al-Maqdis

04. The importance of Al-Aqsa

05. The rock under the dom

06. The first temple of Jerusalem

07. A secret hidden under tha rock

08. Two verses and a thousand years of history

09. The weeping prophet

10. The reaction of Bani Israel

11. The warrior king of Babylon

12. Hanging gardens of Babylon

13. What enraged the great king ?

Welcome to the 16th chapter of 40,000 Years Of Knowledge series. In this chapter,

I will tell you about the origins of Bayt al Maqdis, what is it ? why is it so important ? what is the history of bayt al maqdis and what will be the future of it ? and most impo ... 

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