Weeding Out Myths with CBD Coach Amy Chin (Calm Better Days)
Episode notes
According to Harvard Medical School, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a long-hidden mystery of the human body - a complex network of chemical signals and cellular receptors that play a crucial role in regulating various essential functions in our body, such as sleep, temperature regulation, immune responses, learning and memory, and so much more. With the "cannabinoid" receptors in our brain, does this mean that our body is set to receive the cannabinoids that we know of? "Cannabidiol (CBD)," "cannabis," "hemp," "marijuana," "weed" - these are words that revolve around a green flowering plant that produces so many questions, discussions, and controversies. Often regarded as recreational therapy when it comes to parties in the form of gummies and brownies, the plant has been said and ...
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