Episode notes
How is the Shakespearean plays connected to Francis Bacon, King James I, Henry Neville, Ben Jonson, Thomas Bushell & others? Why was the illiterate brute Will Shaxper credited? Who's the Stratfordians, Baconians, Oxfordians, & Marlowians? Did William D. Gann (as related by Ignatius Donnely), Sepharial (Dr. Walter Gorn), Manly P. Hall, & Hugh Black decode secret messages in the plays? Petter checks in with amazing discoveries on purposely designs (steganography, geometry, cyphers, ciphers, & codes) unraveling an origin to R+C, proto-Masons, lost Templar Treasure, & mission for a 2nd renaissance: "Instauratio Magna" (Great Instauration).
NB! LINKS TO THE FREE DOCUMENTARIES are fully listed in the guest presentation page of Petter Amundsen at our website.
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