Petter Amundsen - Shakespeare Decoded (Pt. 1 of 2: Bacon, Father CRC, & the Templar Treasure in Nova Scotia)

Forum Borealis by Al Borealis

Episode notes

How is the Shakespearean plays connected to Francis Bacon, King James I, Henry Neville, Ben Jonson, Thomas Bushell & others? Why was the illiterate brute Will Shaxper credited? Who's the Stratfordians, Baconians, Oxfordians, & Marlowians? Did William D. Gann (as related by Ignatius Donnely), Sepharial (Dr. Walter Gorn), Manly P. Hall, & Hugh Black decode secret messages in the plays? Petter checks in with amazing discoveries on purposely designs (steganography, geometry, cyphers, ciphers, & codes) unraveling an origin to R+C, proto-Masons, lost Templar Treasure, & mission for a 2nd renaissance: "Instauratio Magna" (Great Instauration).

NB! LINKS TO THE FREE DOCUMENTARIES are fully listed in the guest presentation page of Petter Amundsen at our website.

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