Forged & Unbroken

by Joshua Burchick

Nature doesn’t adjust to your level of skill, so we must prepare accordingly.

We are whole beings, not just singular firefighters. There is a massive physical, mental, and emotional component to what we do and how we are expected to perform.

Occupational training, daily workouts, growth mindset leadership lessons, and learning through other people’s experiences, across a wide range of industries will make us mo ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • 043 - Luctor et Emergo

    043 - Luctor et Emergo

    Forged & Unbroken Fire | Physical and mental wellness, charity, and support for FFs. | Patreon Daily Workouts Weekly Growth Mindset Podcast, only on F&U Early Access to F&U Podcast Early Access to In-Extremis Readiness Podcast Weekly Mobility Videos for Injury Prevention and Rehab Misc Research, Reading, and Listening. ⅓ of Profits go back to public safety charities and causes every quarter Quarterly giveback to an F&U member. Join Today!

  • IER 022 - Apex NC House Fire with Rescues Metabolic Data


    IER 022 - Apex NC House Fire with Rescues Metabolic Data


    Please like, share, subscribe to this podcast. Check the Patreon link to become a member of the F&U Community. Daily workouts, weekly growth mindset episodes (only on Patreon), early access to the Forged Podcast and In-Extremis Readiness podcast, mobility videos, suggested reading list, and more! ⅓ of your membership goes to charity and there’s a quarterly giveback to members. All new members get a free sticker pack when they join. Join today!

  • 042 - Damn the Quick Fix - T Production

    042 - Damn the Quick Fix - T Production

    Forged & Unbroken Fire | Physical and mental wellness, charity, and support for FFs. | Patreon Daily Workouts Weekly Growth Mindset Podcast, only on F&U Early Access to F&U Podcast Early Access to In-Extremis Readiness Podcast Weekly Mobility Videos for Injury Prevention and Rehab Misc Research, Reading, and Listening. ⅓ of Profits go back to public safety charities and causes every quarter Quarterly giveback to an F&U member. Join Today!

  • 021 - WHOOP, Workouts, & Adv FF Res School Data


    021 - WHOOP, Workouts, & Adv FF Res School Data


    Please like, share, subscribe to this podcast. Check the Patreon link to become a member of the F&U Community. Daily workouts, weekly growth mindset episodes (only on Patreon), early access to the Forged Podcast and In-Extremis Readiness podcast, mobility videos, suggested reading list, and more! ⅓ of your membership goes to charity and there’s a quarterly giveback to members. All new members get a free sticker pack when they join. Join today!

  • 041 - From Firehouse to Mt. Kilimanjaro & Everest with Kat Hale


    041 - From Firehouse to Mt. Kilimanjaro & Everest with Kat Hale


    In today’s episode, I’m joined by my friend, Kat Hale. Kat was the first career female firefighter to go through an academy class in Frederick County, MD; and we discuss her viewpoints on being a “fireman;” leaving the service to serve in motherhood; and how her wellness journey (crossfitter, marathoner, tri-athlete, and more) supports her drive for adventure at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Everest, and in life. 0:00 - 14:42 - Fire Service Career 14:42 - 27:10 - Motherhood & the Fire Service 27:10 - End - Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Everest, Wellness. Please like, share, subscribe to this podcast. Check the Patreon link to become a member of the F&U Community. Daily workouts, weekly growth mindset episodes (only on Patreon), early access to the Forged Podcast and In-Extremis Readiness podcast, mobility videos, suggested reading list, and more! ⅓ of your membership goes to charity and there’s a quarterly giveback to members. All new members get a free sticker pack when they join. Join today!