Films That Time ForgotExplicit

by Adam Thornton

With an array of guest hosts, join Adam Thornton as he looks at Hollywood films from the 80s-early 10s that have slipped underneath the public radar since their release. Do they hold up as undiscovered classics or are they best forgotten? Listen to find out!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Episode 10 - 1408 (2007)

    Episode 10 - 1408 (2007)

    On this episode of Films That Time Forgot, Adam and Scott take on the John Cusack-starring Stephen King adaptation 1408! Join them as they argue about the effectiveness of a scary hotel room and look at the film's multiple alternate endings.

  • Episode 9 - Red Heat (1988)

    Episode 9 - Red Heat (1988)

    On this episode of Films That Time Forgot, Adam and Scott take on the Arnold Schwarzenegger/Jim Belushi buddy-cop film Red Heat! Join them as they praise Arnold and director Walter Hill's action skills and question why Jim Belushi of all people was involved.

  • Episode 8 - Malice (1993)

    Episode 8 - Malice (1993)

    On this episode of Films That Time Forgot, Adam is joined by Nick Bartlett (@IMDBartlett) as they look at the Alec Baldwin/Nicole Kidman/Bill Pullman thriller Malice! Enjoy listening to them marvel at a myriad of ridiculous set-ups and audacious plot twists, and despair at the credulity of Bill Pullman.

  • Episode 7 - Hudson Hawk (1991)

    Episode 7 - Hudson Hawk (1991)

    On this episode of Films That Time Forgot, Adam and Joel take on the insane fever dream that is the 1991 Bruce Willis action-comedy Hudson Hawk! Join them as they tackle random musical numbers, a scenery-chewing Richard E Grant and the question of why was this film made?

  • Episode 6 - End of Days (1999)


    Episode 6 - End of Days (1999)


    On this episode, Adam is joined by YouTuber and author Rob Hill (@BMovieBible) as they take on the misguided Arnold Schwarzenegger action-horror film End of Days! Join them as they face evil Miriam Margolyes, an autopilot Kevin Pollak and the most indecisive Prince of Darkness ever put to film!