
by Stephanie Polston & Jessica Gentry

Join Steph & Jess, cousins and movie fiends since childhood, as they reminisce about films from the past. Occasional guest appearances by some of their film obsessed cohorts. A lighthearted show featuring reviews and discussions with a focus on the science fiction/horror/fantasy trinity and 20th century entertainment.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 4

  • The Last Deal: Mission From God; Featuring Interview with Jonathan Salemi


    The Last Deal: Mission From God; Featuring Interview with Jonathan Salemi


    Join Steph and Jess in this very special finale to Mary Jane March as we get to interview the writer, producer and director of 2023's The Last Deal, Jonathan Salemi! We deep dive with Jonathan into the making of this guerrilla shot, gritty crime thriller and get all the fun facts our listeners deserve. Thank you so much again Jamie for reaching out and to Jonathan for being our very first interview! We hope everyone has as much fun listening as we had making this episode. Fortune Favors the Bold, or as Stephanie says, Go Big or Go Home!

  • Inherent Vice: Stoner Detective Extraordinaire


    Inherent Vice: Stoner Detective Extraordinaire


    Join Steph and Jess for Mary Jane March with 2014’s Inherent Vice. Somehow this one slipped by us, but who even knows where they were in 2014? This one definitely deserves another watch as you have to not take your eyes away for one second or you’ll miss something. And by you, we mean Jess. Come pop a squat, take a toke, and let’s get groovy, man.

  • The Mothman Prophecies: And He Went Squeee All the Way Home


    The Mothman Prophecies: And He Went Squeee All the Way Home


    Join Steph and Jess in 2002's The Mothman Prophecies, as Stephanie faces her bridge collapsing fear. She realizes maybe she's actually more afraid of America's crumbling infastructure and faith in things made by man than the actual bridge falling down thing. We discuss Mothman theories and legends and how much we wanted to like this movie..but didn't.

  • Arachnophobia: That's Right, I'm Bad


    Arachnophobia: That's Right, I'm Bad


    Join Steph and Jess in the first installment for Face Your Fears February. Jess faces her fear with 1990’s Arachnophobia, the movie that gave her arachnophobia. Steph is disappointed in how it pales in comparison to her memories and is actively rooting for the spiders, while Jess still had the heebie jeebies just talking about it days later. Jess reveals America’s top 7 phobias and March’s theme is announced!

  • The Faculty: I'm a Contradiction


    The Faculty: I'm a Contradiction


    Join Steph and Jess in the last episode of Jam Packed January (subcategory: Aliens: Almost Done Waiting?) with 1998's The Faculty. Or; The Breakfast Club with Aliens, as we have dubbed it. We reminicse over our childhood crushes, Josh and Elijah, respectively. Also, we announce whats going on for what's shaping up to be an equally jam packed February!