Fed Pilot Podcast

by Kevin Jones

The Fed Pilot Podcast - Making Federal Benefits Understandable for Humans. Answering questions about Federal Retirement Benefits taken from the Fed Pilot workshops. Want us to ask a question for us to answer? https://fedpilot.com. Created by: Kevin Jones of http://FedPilot.com RSSVERIFY

Podcast episodes

  • Mutual Fund Window

    Mutual Fund Window

    The government made changes to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) by introducing a mutual fund window in 2022, offering access to 5,000 additional mutual funds beyond the typical GFC Sni funds. To explore these mutual funds, individuals can log into tsp.gov, create a mutual fund window account, and assess the fees associated with these funds. Despite the potential for higher fees, it's essential to evaluate if utilizing these mutual funds aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Join us at a Fed Pilot workshop (webinar or in-person) and not only learn about your benefits, but how to prepare for retirement. The earlier in your career, the better. Register: https://fedpilot.com

  • Dying Before Retirement

    Dying Before Retirement

    The Survivor Benefit Plan provides money and access to health care for a spouse if an employee were to die before retirement, with the benefit being free and automatic. After retirement, the spouse can still access the plan, but the employee would need to start paying for it if desired to continue the coverage. Join us at a Fed Pilot workshop (webinar or in-person) and not only learn about your benefits, but how to prepare for retirement. The earlier in your career, the better. Register: https://fedpilot.com

  • SCD and other details you missed

    SCD and other details you missed

    We want to highlight the importance of distinguishing between different Service Computation Dates (SCDs) for retirement and leave purposes. While the SCD for retirement can be found on pay stubs, the SCD for leave is different and crucial to understand to avoid making poor decisions.

  • Put Your Raise Where

    Put Your Raise Where

    To adjust contributions in your TSP, access your employee portal and modify the settings either by a percentage of your salary or a specific dollar amount. Opting for a percentage allows for automatic adjustments with raises, suggesting a strategy of saving extra income for retirement. Join us at a Fed Pilot workshop (webinar or in-person) and not only learn about your benefits, but how to prepare for retirement. The earlier in your career, the better. Register: https://fedpilot.com Want to ask a question for me to answer in a video? Ask at https://fedpilot.com/contact-us #heyfeds #fedpilot #federalemployees #federalretirement #federalbenefits #RetirementPlanning

  • What Gets Pulled Out When

    What Gets Pulled Out When

    In retirement, FHB premiums are taken out of your pension, but not all other deductions. Different parts of your pension have different rules. Join us at a Fed Pilot workshop (webinar or in-person) and not only learn about your benefits, but how to prepare for retirement. The earlier in your career, the better. Register: https://fedpilot.com