Is Intuitive Eating Accessible? -- Jeanette Thompson-Wessen
Episode notes
Inspired by a question from a Fat Joy listener, Jeanette Thompson-Wessen (she/her) shares how to be an intuitive eater whist on a fixed income. And then she expands the conversation into whether intuitive eating is actually accessible and whether that’s even the right question to be asking ourselves. She also shares useful tools to help us navigate our full health in ways that are useful, flexible, and compassionate.
Jeanette Thompson-Wessen is a fat nutritionist with a degree in Human Nutrition who has a passion for helping people learn how to reconnect with their bodies and feel body positive. She has completed training in coaching Intuitive Eating and Body Image as well as counselling skills. She loves supporting people in unlearning the messages society has sold them and then helping them learn to take up space as they are.
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