Episode notes
Today on Exploring the Marketplace, Shawn Bolz and Bob Hasson interview Mike Hogan. Mike is a business executive and brand marketing expert. He has led some of the world's largest brands as Chief Marketing Officer and brand strategy consultant, including Frito-Lay, GameStop, Microsoft, Campus Crusade and Feed the Children. Tune in as Shawn, Bob and Mike discuss how when the world’s most important brand “Christianity” loses its way, what happened, and what’s the way back? Mike shares the purpose behind his book “Rebranding Christianity” to help you recover that focus. In the rebranding, with a wedding of grace, love and a changed way of relating, the people of God can better represent the heart of the God they love. Mike shares how brands lose the trust of their audience and once lost, how that trust can be regained. It’s time for Christianity t ...
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