Eternal Christendom Podcast

by Joshua Charles

In the midst of our civilizational crisis, Eternal Christendom exists to cultivate a new generation of Saints, Sages, and Statesmen through the Great Tradition.

Whether you're a lifelong Catholic looking for a deeper understanding of your faith, or a non-Catholic curious about the Catholic Church, Eternal Christendom aims to make the case for the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic Faith.

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Podcast episodes

  • #16 | My Sister's Miraculous Conversion to the Catholic Faith

    #16 | My Sister's Miraculous Conversion to the Catholic Faith

    CULTIVATING SAINTS, SAGES, AND STATESMEN THROUGH THE GREAT TRADITION OF CHRISTENDOM I'm honored to present a special interview of my sister, Nancy Charles, about her miraculous conversion to the Catholic Faith (we apologize for some minor tech issues we had with some of my audio). After the divorce of our parents, drugs, suicide attempts, and falling into the LGBTQ+ lifestyle, Christ illuminated my sister's mind and touched her heart on March 19, 2023 at a Latin Mass. She came into the Church on September 29, 2023, the Feast of her patron saint, St. Michael the Archangel. The Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration played a huge role in her conversion, as it has for many members of our family who have now come into the Church. Nancy is now working full-time for Eternal Christendom, doing so much behind the scenes to build this apostolate on solid foundations. Please remember her in your prayers, and consider including us in your Lenten almsgiving! Support Eternal Christendom: Connect with Joshua on social media X: Facebook: Instagram: Listen on Apple: Listen on Spotify:

  • #15 | St. Augustine's 1,600 Year Old Sermon for the Beginning of Lent

    #15 | St. Augustine's 1,600 Year Old Sermon for the Beginning of Lent

    CULTIVATING SAINTS, SAGES, AND STATESMEN THROUGH THE GREAT TRADITION OF CHRISTENDOM On this Ash Wednesday, in the humbling and penitential spirit of Lent, we are publishing our first audio-only episode. Thanks to the Catholic University of America Press, who has given Eternal Christendom permission to read from their "Fathers of the Church" series for our podcast, we are going to read Sermon 205, delivered by St. Augustine at the beginning of Lent approximately 1,600 years ago. We will then offer some reflections on both the sermon, and an exhortation to a sacrificial Lent, the season in which we most actively join ourselves to the sacrifice of Our Lord on the cross. You can purchase the volume this sermon came from here: VISIT OUR WEBSITE BECOME A PATRON OF THE GREAT TRADITION Help us continue to dig into the Great Tradition; produce beautiful, substantive content; and gift these treasures to cultural orphans around the world for free: CONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIA X: Facebook: Instagram: DIVE DEEPER Check out Eternal Christendom's "Becoming Catholic," where you'll find hundreds of thousands of words of free content (almost as big as the Bible!) in the form of Articles, Quote Archives, and Study Banks to help you become, remain, and deepen your life as a Catholic: EPISODE CHAPTERS 00:00 - Intro 03:44 - Thank You to Catholic University of America Press 05:01 - Reading: St. Augustine, Sermon 205 16:13 - Exhortation to a Sacrificial Lent LISTEN ON APPLE LISTEN ON SPOTIFY

  • #14 | One Church to Rule Them All: Discovering the "Big C" Catholic Church of the Creeds

    #14 | One Church to Rule Them All: Discovering the "Big C" Catholic Church of the Creeds

    CULTIVATING SAINTS, SAGES, AND STATESMEN THROUGH THE GREAT TRADITION OF CHRISTENDOM As protestants, we'd sometimes say one of the ancient Creeds, including the line affirming a belief in the "one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church." This always confused me, since we weren't Catholic. To get around this, I was frequently told that "Catholic" in the Creeds referred to "little c" catholic, a generalized reference to all, or most Christians. But when I dug into the writings of the Church Fathers, the men who wrote and defended the Creeds, I found absolutely nothing like this "little c" idea of the "catholic church." They everywhere asserted and defended only the "Big C" Catholic Church: a single, visible society possessing a unity of faith, worship, and government. VISIT OUR WEBSITE BECOME A PATRON OF THE GREAT TRADITION Help us continue to dig into the Great Tradition; produce beautiful, substantive content; and gift these treasures to cultural orphans around the world for free: CONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIA X: Facebook: Instagram: DIVE DEEPER Check out Eternal Christendom's "Becoming Catholic," where you'll find hundreds of thousands of words of free content (almost as big as the Bible!) in the form of Articles, Quote Archives, and Study Banks to help you become, remain, and deepen your life as a Catholic: EPISODE CHAPTERS 00:00 - Intro 02:05 - "Little c" catholic in the Creeds 04:28 - "Big C" Catholic in the Church Fathers 09:12 - St. Ignatius of Antioch (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 12:06 - Muratorian Fragment (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 13:52 - Tertullian (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 15:31 - St. Cyprian of Carthage (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 18:34 - Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 24:16 - St. Cyril of Jerusalem (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 28:30 - Ecumenical Council of Constantinople I (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 29:59 - St. Augustine (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 38:00 - St. Vincent of Lerins (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 43:27 - Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 44:58 - Conclusion

  • #13 | Why a Former Atheist Found Protestantism Unconvincing (Interview: Dr. Alan Fimister)

    #13 | Why a Former Atheist Found Protestantism Unconvincing (Interview: Dr. Alan Fimister)

    CULTIVATING SAINTS, SAGES, AND STATESMEN THROUGH THE GREAT TRADITION OF CHRISTENDOM In our first full-length interview, we host Dr. Alan Fimister, a renowned theologian and seminary professor, to discuss his conversion to the Catholic Faith from atheism, and why he found protestantism so unconvincing. Not only did he find it unconvincing, he concluded it played a decisive role in the rise of secularism. We also discuss issues of political theology, Christendom, and the rise of liberalism (both "left" and "right" wing varieties). Dr. Fimister is a member of Eternal Christendom's Advisory Board. We hope to host him as a regular guest on the Eternal Christendom Podcast. You can find his bio here: Support Eternal Christendom: Connect with Joshua on social media X: Facebook: Instagram: EPISODE CHAPTERS 00:00 - Intro 02:32 - Bio: Dr. Alan Fimister 05:13 - Interview: Dr. Fimister's Atheist/Communist Childhood 20:01 - Anglicanism, and the UK's "Christian" State of Apostasy 24:17 - More of Dr. Fimister's Non-Christian Childhood 25:38 - Dr. Fimister's Earliest Memories of the Blessed Virgin Mary 28:52 - Dr. Fimister's First Consideration of Religion/Christianity 35:24 - His Atheist Father Reading Him C.S. Lewis's "Chronicles of Narnia" as a Child 36:13 - Pictures of Hell in a Friend's Family Bible 37:50 - Asking His Mother if He Could Become Anglican 39:13 - Attending Catholic School 44:45 - Those Who Know the Catholic Faith is True But Don't Convert Go to Hell 46:12 - Dr. Fimister Asks His Mother to be Baptized 48:23 - Dr. Fimister's Favorite Biblical Character as a Child 48:50 - Receiving a Beautiful Gift from His Catholic Teacher, and Being Baptized 51:24 - Why So Many Catholic Friends Fell Away from the Faith 56:14 - Why Catholicism Was the Only Viable Option 01:01:09 - The Rise of the "Celebrity" Papacy 01:05:04 - Why Protestantism Was Not Convincing 01:11:00 - Facing Protestant Opposition at University 01:12:33 - Is Catholicism Pelagian or Semi-Pelagian? 01:15:36 - Valid Protestant Points on Good Works, and the Church's Actual Teaching 01:26:24 - Why Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy are Fairly Easy to Refute 01:31:11 - Protestantism and the Rise of Secularism 01:37:08 - Why an Infallible Magisterium is Necessary, and Not Above Scripture 01:49:09 - How Protestantism Inadvertently Paved the Way for Secularism 02:32:53 - Conclusion Listen on Apple: Listen on Spotify:

  • #12 | Church Father: The Pope is the Head of the Church (Papal Snapshot, St. Jerome)

    #12 | Church Father: The Pope is the Head of the Church (Papal Snapshot, St. Jerome)

    CULTIVATING SAINTS, SAGES, AND STATESMEN THROUGH THE GREAT TRADITION In this Papal Snapshot, we dive into St. Jerome's incredibly Catholic view of the papacy and the authority of the Pope as outlined in his Letter 15 to St. Pope Damasus. St. Jerome was a Church Father who lived from c. 342-420, and is widely considered one of the greatest Scripture scholars of the ancient Church. Support Eternal Christendom: Connect with Joshua on Social Media X: Facebook: Instagram: EPISODE CHAPTERS 00:00 - Intro 03:10 - Historical Context 04:37 - St. Jerome's Letter 15 to St. Pope Damasus 14:14 - Conclusion Listen on Apple: Listen on Spotify: