#14 | One Church to Rule Them All: Discovering the "Big C" Catholic Church of the Creeds
CULTIVATING SAINTS, SAGES, AND STATESMEN THROUGH THE GREAT TRADITION OF CHRISTENDOM As protestants, we'd sometimes say one of the ancient Creeds, including the line affirming a belief in the "one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church." This always confused me, since we weren't Catholic. To get around this, I was frequently told that "Catholic" in the Creeds referred to "little c" catholic, a generalized reference to all, or most Christians. But when I dug into the writings of the Church Fathers, the men who wrote and defended the Creeds, I found absolutely nothing like this "little c" idea of the "catholic church." They everywhere asserted and defended only the "Big C" Catholic Church: a single, visible society possessing a unity of faith, worship, and government. VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://eternalchristendom.com/ BECOME A PATRON OF THE GREAT TRADITION Help us continue to dig into the Great Tradition; produce beautiful, substantive content; and gift these treasures to cultural orphans around the world for free: https://eternalchristendom.com/become-a-patron/ CONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIA X: https://twitter.com/JoshuaTCharles Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joshuatcharles/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshuatcharles/ DIVE DEEPER Check out Eternal Christendom's "Becoming Catholic," where you'll find hundreds of thousands of words of free content (almost as big as the Bible!) in the form of Articles, Quote Archives, and Study Banks to help you become, remain, and deepen your life as a Catholic: https://eternalchristendom.com/becoming-catholic/ EPISODE CHAPTERS 00:00 - Intro 02:05 - "Little c" catholic in the Creeds 04:28 - "Big C" Catholic in the Church Fathers 09:12 - St. Ignatius of Antioch (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 12:06 - Muratorian Fragment (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 13:52 - Tertullian (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 15:31 - St. Cyprian of Carthage (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 18:34 - Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 24:16 - St. Cyril of Jerusalem (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 28:30 - Ecumenical Council of Constantinople I (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 29:59 - St. Augustine (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 38:00 - St. Vincent of Lerins (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 43:27 - Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon (Evidence from the Church Fathers) 44:58 - Conclusion